The late Lee Grunewald, K5JGZ of Miami, Oklahoma is seen here in his Swan laden hamshack. Lee was one of our most senior Swan Net participants. His primary 20 meter station was a Swan 400 transceiver which can be seen on the shelf behind him. The 400 is flanked on either side by a 500 and 500CX - both were ready for action if needed. A Hallicrafters SX-96 general coverage receiver can also be seen under the group of Swans.
Jim Singleton, WA5BDR in Roswell, New Mexico is one of our Swan Net control stations. Where did he ever amass such in impressive stable of Swans?
Lew Orcutt, N0CXY of Willey, Iowa lounging in front of his Swan 350 and Swan 240 SSB transceivers. Very neat and colorful ham shack.
Gallery Two - WA7VGR//K1HLG//W4WHW
Gallery Three - WA6PIE//WA5BDR//WB6MWL//N7OQV//W7RXG
Gallery Four - WA9AZK//W5EN//W6MEB
Gallery Five - W7LRD//W9ZT
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