AF4K Crystals - Supplier of FT243 and HC6U Amateur Band Cystals
Antique Electronic Supply - Electron Tubes
Debbie's Parts Corner - Electron Tubes and Radio Equipment
Mouser Electronics - HV Capacitors
International Crystal Manufacturing - Crystals
International Radio - Crystal Filters
TRESCO - Cinch Jones Plugs
Lashen Electronics - Contact Cleaner
R L Drake - Drake Replacement Parts
George H. Fathauer & Assoc., LLC - Early Radio & Collector Tubes
Crystal Swapping Message Board
![]() Also:
Jim Singleton Publications 109 Rainbow Drive PMB 975 Livingston, Texas 77399 (775) 781 4054 E-mail: |
Cubic Communications, former manufacturer of both Swan and Cubic amateur radio equipment, has authorized Jim Singleton Publications (formerly Brock Publications) to produce Instruction and Operating Manuals associated with all Swan and Cubic amateur radio communications equipment and accessories. In recent years, Atlas and Siltronix Radio manuals have been added to the list of available publications.
Orders and inquiries can be made to:
Jim Singleton Publications
109 Rainbow Drive
PMB 975
Livingston, Texas 77399
(775) 781 4054
Other Swan Radio Network Pages:
Swan Radio Network
Swan & Vintage Radio TechLine
Swan Radio Network Exchange Links
Swan Power Amplifier Tube Data
Swan General Hobby & Sports News
Swan Net Silent Keys
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NASCAR "State of the Union"
NASCAR: New National Passtime
Glossary of NASCAR & Motorsports Sponsorship Websites
Philosophy, History & Education:
Charlton Heston at Harvard
Lynn Montrose and The Fall of Rome
Ogden Manware says "Get Smart"
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