My sincerest thanks to Mark Tapio Kines, the director of "Foreign Correspondents", for giving me his permission to use the two pictures of Gregg from the movie. You are welcome to use any of the pictures on this site except for these two pictures. I wrote to Mark to ask for his permission, and I wouldn't want to get into trouble with him. Thank You! :-)
Publicity Pictures and Magazine Shots
Thank you Cass for these great screen captures!
Thanks Lisa for donating these pics of Gregg as T. Hawk!
Thank you Cass for the first pic, and Ann for the second and third! As for the rest of the screen captures, I spent a lot of time and hard work on them, so if you want to use them for your site I would really appreciate it if you emailed me and asked me first.
These screen captures are from when Gregg appeared on Rick Dees' talk show with TYR co-stars Yvonne Suhor and Travis Fine. Once again, I spent a lot of time and hard work on them, so if you want to use them for your site I would really appreciate it if you emailed me and asked me first. Thanks! :-)
All "Foreign Correspondents" photos are Copyright (c) 1999 by Mark Tapio Kines. Used with permission. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution is strictly prohibited.