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Y NONA's Home page & Family Album

Y's Home Page & Picture Album

Page 1

last updated 01/13/08

Hi, and welcome.

I was born in NY on New Years Day. My brothers are John & Phil. My brother Bruce passed away 7/10/03 & my twin sister Joanie passed away when we were a year and one month old.

I have 3 nieces and one nephew. Two great nieces and one great nephew.

My brother John's children are Melissa who has a daughter Gwen. John's son who's name is also John and his wife Kristin. They have a son Tyler. They reside in Florida.

Bruce has two daughters, Rachel & Sarah. (Sarah they say looks just like me when I was her age.)Sarah has a daughter Samara.

I have lived in Fla, LA, Va Bch, and in Wales United Kingdom. I'm back in NY & love being in the mountains

To my friend Di in England "someday I will return".

Here she is with her family

Steve, Di, Amanda & Stuart

I'm a single. I have three children, Lisa born in 1978, Kristen 1983 and Justin 1985. A son-in-law Phil, my grand-daughter Jasmin 1997, and now I have another grand-daughter, Jasmin's little sister Samone (Sami) 2004. My third grand-daughter us due 02/08/08 she is to be names Chyanne Leigh.

I'm so proud of all of them.

Lisa for her strength to become a better person. She had to experience things in life in order to learn from her mistakes. Now she is settled down, with a beautiful family. Her husband Phil, their daughter's Jasmin & Sami.

Kristen, Works for security and resides in Las Vegas. All through school, she had worked so hard to be the best that she could be. There were alot of sleepless nights before a test. Everything she felt she had to do did pay off. She was a high honor student and active in sports. She was living in Dallas Texas working for an airline co. Then decided to move to Nevada. She is a beautiful young lady and we are very proud of her.

Justin, After college wanted to be a NYC fireman. While waiting for the test, he took the test for the NYPD and passed. He graduated the police academy 6/2007 and now resides in Queens. He has proven to some, what I have known all along. Justin I have always been so proud of you. Please be safe.

My grand-daughters are Jasmin and Samone. Lisa thank you for our precious gifts. I love them dearly.

I love Country Music

Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney, Toby Keith, Little Texas,

Restless Heart, Brooks & Dunn and many more.

I also listen to easy listening/soft rock, Journey, Dan Fogelberg, Phil Collins, Heart...anything from the 70's

A page dedicated to family & friends we lost

Those Gone But Not Forgotten

Now, Let me introduce you to my family

My children and grandchild

Justin 16, Lisa 23, Kristen 18 & Jasmin 4

Christman 2001


2000/2001 ~ Justin, he plays basketball, baseball & Football & Lacrosse for his high school.


Justin 7/2002


Class Of 2002

Kristen's Sr. Pic taken 8/18/01

Kristen graduated with honors and now attending college. Thats my baby girl.

Kristen's first year in college, she made the Deans List.

And Senior Prom King & Queen 6/2002

Proud Mama with Justin & Kristen 5/2002

Here is my great nephew Tyler & his cousin Madison

Tyler was born 03/2002

Here I am with my two beautiful Grand-daughter's Jasmin & Sami taken on 4/29/04.

They are my angels

Nona's Myspace

AOL Born In The 50's Album Cinci OH

YNONA Page 2 Ymylove

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My Tribute To John F. Kennedy JR

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The Song "Rock My World Lil Country Girl"

By Brooks & Dunn

CREATED 12/25/97

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