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My Love for You

You asked me how much I loved you.
God, where do I begin?
You are the reason I wake each morning.
And the reason I dream each night.
I can’t breathe without whispering your name.
Or close my eyes without seeing your face.
When we are apart, my body aches for you.
When we are together I long to please you.
When I laugh, when I cry, when I daydream…
It’s all done with you in mind.
I know I have known you not just in this life.
But in many lives before.
Because I have more love in my heart for you.
Than a person can gather in just one lifetime.
Without you I could not walk the earth.
For you are the reason I exist.
You are my whole heart as well as my soul.
Without your love I would be empty.
So you see, you are my everything, my life.
That’s how much I love you.

I Love You

I think I love you, I really do.
Cause all I’m ever thinking about is you.
I think you’re the sweetest person I know.
You treat me so good; I never wanna go.
I think with you I could grow old.
You make my heart feel anything but cold.
I think I’ve been waiting for you since the day of my birth.
You’re the only one for me on this entire earth.
I think I’d die inside if you were to ever leave.
I love you more with every beat I breathe.
I know I love you.
And for you I’m always there.
I know I’ll always care.
I’m telling you the truth, mind body and heart.
I know I love you, I hope we never part.

I Want You

I want you to be there,
When all my hopes are dying.
I want you to be there,
When I’m crying.
I want you to be there,
When I’m happy and glad.
I want you to be there,
When I’m sad.
When in my heart, joy is all I hold.
I want you to be there, to me your pure gold.
When my entire world is crashing down, all I want is you.


Into a deep hole…
Filled with blackness…
And sorrow…
Everything seems hopeless…
Without any resolve…
The littlest things hurt…
And the biggest things numb…
Somehow nothing matters…
And nothing will help…
But you try…
You give me a hand…
But I wouldn’t grasp it…
You gave me a rope…
But I wouldn’t tie it…
You gave me a parachute…
But I wouldn’t open it…
When it seemed you had nothing left…
You gave me your love…
And that stopped my fall.

Everlasting Love

As I sit here watching the words scroll by.
Reading the lines of poets’.
I think of how much you mean to me.
And I must be sure you know it.
Each day I love you more and more.
My heart it overflows.
And I have to wonder to myself.
Do I always let it show?
I know that I can be stubborn.
The truth I don’t always see.
It hides away in the dark.
Waiting to be set free.
Afraid to put my trust in you.
Afraid that you will leave.
That you will take my heart again.
And thrown it back at me.
But as much as I fear the love.
It grows inside me still.
Filling me with thoughts of you.
It’s the pain I want to kill.
My heart aches for you sweetheart.
It’s so full it’s about to burst.
In my life you will always be.
The one that I put first.
I’m sorry if I ever hurt you.
My love does not always show.
But I can make this promise to you.
My love for you continues to grow.
I swear to always be here for you.
And I know you’ll be here for me too.
I can’t wait for that special day.
When we each say ‘I do’.
We will live happily forever.
In a home overflowing in love.
And each night I close my eyes.
I will thank our god above.
For giving me someone so special.
A love that’s always true.
If I ever lost you sweetheart.
I don’t know what I’d do.
You are the reason I am happy.
The reason that I live.
And for your happiness darling.
My life I would gladly I give.
Please don’t forget that I love you.
And that I need you so much in my life.
And we will be together forever.
As husband and wife.

Erroneous Love

A cold chill blew past my heart.
And it gave my soul a kiss.
Clod rain on my face.
But your warm breath is bliss.

I go where the river flows.
Deep within my fears.
To ride the waves of sadness.
And swim in my own tears.

A candle won’t burn forever.
Soon the darkness prevails.
Forever lost in my darkness.
Yet blinded by the flames of hell.

Only true love will light my path.
An autumn moon to lead my way.
Joy and peace to fill my heart.
Content until my dying day.

But is true love the truth?
Or an emotion I’ll never feel
Is it a terrible lie?
I hope and pray this is for real.

Live With Me

Walk with me.
Through the valley of flowers.
Skip with me.
In afternoon showers.
Lay with me.
In the pouring rain.
Run with me.
To escape the pain.
Come site with me.
In my field of dreams.
Underneath the moon.
We will plan the scheme.
To go hand in hand.
Through life we will glide.
Over the rainbows.
Together we will slide.
Dance through the forest.
Skate across the sky.
Happy and free.
Just you and I.


In my head.
Jumbled up letters.
Waiting to be sorted through.
To become a sentence.
With meaning or not.
Just to become words.
Of wisdom.
Of grace,
Of love,
Of happiness.
But for now.
Just letters.
Sitting there.
In my head.
Doing nothing.
Forming nothing.
Feeling nothing.
Empty like my heart.
Help me form the words.
To say I love you.

The Love Letter

My dearest love,

I am counting the days ‘til we are finally together, when I can touch your face and hold your body.
I want to look so deep into your eyes that you will know you are forever loved.
I want to kiss you so sweetly that you will forever taste me on your lips.
I want to run my nails down your back, my fingers through your hair, and entangle my body with yours.
I want to enslave you…
Like a person dying form thirst, I will always leave you wanting more.
But I will always more do more than satisfy your every desire.
I want to love you so hard, you will think I want to own your soul.
But it’s not your soul I’m after…only your heart.
And if I ever win your heart, I will love, protect, and cherish it.
Like the sun rising in the morning, lighting the dew on the grass.
So shall your love light my darkness, and so shall I electrify your soul.
Together forever in lust and love.

Hold Me

Come hold me ’til I fall asleep.
Love me with all your heart.
Allow me into your soul.
And I swear we will never part.

I will love you with all that I am.
And all that I will ever be.
Just hold me through the night.
And tomorrow you will see…

How deep my love goes for you.
How it spreads far and wide.
Look deep into my eyes now.
Can you see I tremble inside?

I want you so much.
My heart aches with pain.
I need you so much.
I think I’m going insane.

Just promise you won’t leave me.
And that you’ll always be here.
If you hold me through the night.
I won’t have any fears.


It’s very rare.
And hard to find.
A special friend.
Someone who’s kind.
To keep your secrets.
And never tell.
No matter how mad.
They will never yell.
Always there.
Tired and true.
Pick you up.
When you are blue.
Make you happy.
When you’re sad.
Protect you at all cost.
When you’re bad.
Never leave you.
Always by your side.
Shows true feelings.
The truth never hides.
My best friend sweetie is you.
Love me forever.
And I’ll always love you.

Be Gentle With My Heart

Be gentle with my troubled heart my love.
For I have cried enough for this lifetime.
Be gentle with my tortured soul my sweet.
For I have no more sadness left inside.
Be gentle with my weakened spirit my darling.
Or it is only now begun to heal my heart.
Be gentle with my love companion and
I will forever love you.

Because of You

I’ve been in darkness for so long
Just waiting for the light,
And now that you have come my way,
My days don’t seem like ngihts.

I’m glad I’ve finally overcome my fear
Of the other side,
Thank you for showing me the way,
By taking me on this ride.

I’ve never really felt this way
About a guy before,
You’ve truly touched me deep inside,
You’ve opened, unlocked, the door.

I know it’s nothing serious, 
But surly it’s a start,
You’ve treated me so equally, 
I feel it in my heart.

And even if it does not work,
I’m glad I’ve had this chance,
To see how great you truly are,
Even just for a glance.

We never know what’ll come of this,
It really just depends,
I’m glad we’re taking the first step,
We’re becoming better friends.

With you I never have to guess
Just how you really feel,
You talk to me about the facts
And tell me what’s the deal.

With you I feel so comfortable,
Like nothing can go wrong,
I get this tingly feeling inside,
You sing to me like a song.

I’m trying to live in the moment,
By forgetting about the past
And so far it’s been working
And it’s really been a blast.

So hopefully from this day forth,
I’ll know just what to do.
If I ever come across a guy,
Another guy like you.

I Miss You

It doesn’t matter the distance,
As long as the love is true,
As long as it takes to see you…
I’ll be waiting here for you.

My love for you is very much
A thing that I hold dear.
Something’s rolling down my cheek…
It’s a solitary tear.

For I am missing you so greatly…
I miss you with all my heart.
But I have to learn with a silent effort
To hide the tears that start.

Until the day we meet at last,
Until the day I die.
I’ll miss you forever and a day…
And that is why I cry.

Walk Through this World with Me

Walk through this world with me, 
And go where I will go.
Be with me all of the day,
For I will always love you so. 

Dream all of your dreams,
And let tem be what they will be.
For my love for you I strong,
And I know you were meant for me.

If you will open your arms,
And feel all that I feel.
Feel the beat of my heart,
And you will know my love is real.

Look at me with your eyes, and you can see what I see.
I am doing all that I can,
To show you my love will always be.

For I don’t want to be lonely,
And I don’t want to be free.
Please just take my hand,
And walk through this world with me.

I Love You

My knee’s start to weaken
At the first sight of your face
My heart starts to melt
At the thought of your embrace.

Your love flows through me
Like a river flows down its path
Your kiss lifts me up so high
I could probably fall to my death.

I really wish that
When I looked into your eyes I could see
Exactly how it is 
That you feel about me

I get nervous when you’re around me
I feel I could cry when you’re away
I dream about you
Every night and day.

I want you to know
My last three words will always remain true
Regardless of what I may say or do
You’ll always know that
I love you.


I was struck before the hour
Of a love so sudden and sweet.
You’re face shown like a shooting star,
And it made my own heart beat.
My face turned as pale as ever,
My legs refused to walk away
Yet when you looked at me
What could I possibly say?
My life had suddenly seemed to all just melt away.

Then my blood rushed to my face
And took the sight away.
It seemed like it was midnight
When it was only mid-day
I could not see a single thing
Words from my eyes did start,
They spoke as a chord does from a string
And a sweeter melody it did play.
You seemed to hear my silent voice
And loves appeal to dream
I never saw a sweet face
As the one that stood before me.

All You Have Done

Stealing my heart was easy for you
True love was the fantasy only you could make true
Love was transparent like a charcoal steam
You are the one cut out of my dream.

You are the one who woke me from my sleep
And stole my heart with those eyes so sweet
You opened the door with a love so dense
You care not for the cost or expense.

You grasped me from darkness not a moment too soon
And displayed a love so pure and perfectly in tune
The light in your soul is impossible to avoid
Hate you banished, fear you destroyed.

The day I met you, the loss of love was quenched
My soul, once so dry, was instantly drenched
Please, you must never forget
All that was destined, on the day we met.

Love You

Putting my feelings into words-
For my feelings for you are incomprehensible.
If I could let you see the effect you have on me,
You’d be blinded.
For if you did the darkness would fade,
Shadows were no longer.
For I am in love,
More in love than I have been in a long time.
I love you is all I can say,
But my heart says more,
There is much more to my love,
Dreams, hopes, fantasies.
For with you I am a new me,
A me that wouldn’t leave.
In these few words I hope you see,
How much you mean to me.
In life, love and spirit,
I want you to hear it.
I love you.


If the sun ever fails to rise
If the stars ever fail to fill the sky
If the moon ever fails to return
I’ll still be here loving you.

If the ocean dries up
If the rivers disappear
If the earth just vanished
I’ll still cherish you.

You’ve helped me grow
You’ve been here for me through everything
You’ve shown me that you care.

You are my sun, my stars and my moon 
I owe you everything, plus some
I cherish you and the love you have.

If the sun ever fails to rise
If the stars ever fail to fill the sky
If the moon ever fails to return
I will still treasure you.