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Hell hath no fury, like when I'm in chains, 
Screaming my madness, 
Growling my rage. 
Pounding upon an unyielding door, 
My heart can not take this, nor can my soul. 
My dingy cell is not its worth, 
My face not reflects you unending mirth. 
And so I sit, 
Despair compounded, 
The chains I wear, your deeds have founded. 
Your pledge to her has caused me this, 
I hope you live in complete bliss. 
Please don't think of me when you gone, 
For I'll still be here, 
Crying in bonds. 

Deaths Nights

As deaths nights winds 
blow in my ears 
I feel serene 
I have no fear 
I feel so calm 
It's like a trance 
These last moments 
are my life’s last chance 
My only worry now 
is where I'll dwell 
Can heavens sweet angel 
ever be in hell 
All life’s problems 
will soon be done 
it's mostly been tough 
but some has been fun 
I'll remember the good 
I'll remember the bad 
I'll remember those 
who made me sad 
The tears flow free 
into their own ocean 
but I try my hardest 
not to feel emotion 
I'm not scared 
not scared to die 
I'm tired of the pain 
I'm tired of the lies 
So this is the end 
This is it 
I'll finally be through 
with all of life’s shit.

Not Thinking

The internal cries, 
the infernal lies, 
the throbbing pain inside my head, 
my wrists are slit, 
I'll soon be dead. 
Yes I see I am sane, 
but the unsubstantial lies come again. 
I stumble up the stairs into my room, 
so confused I don't know what to do. 
I scribble a mortifying note: have no 
regrets I had internal pain. 
The blood is everywhere 
so beautiful I can't explain. 
So farther I retreat into my mind, 
it seems so slow when my soul 
to Satan has been signed. 
Now goodnight at last 
I lay down in forbidding pain. 
And didn't consider the thought of never 
waking again. 


I walk the halls in darkness 
My soul is lost inside 
All that I am filled with 
Is a pain I cannot hide. 

I cry myself to sleep at night 
There's so many reasons why 
Sometimes, I am full of fright 
That I'm making myself die. 

I'm not sure if I want to die 
But I do not want to live! 
I need love to save me 
But will give. 

Life is cruel, life is painful 
Without mercy, without worth 
Better to be dead in hell 
Than stay in this hell on earth. 

I pull the knife across my skin 
And watch the blood flow forth. 
We come in blood, we leave in blood 
So death is just like birth...