welcome to final fantasy vii world :: gold edition

Final Fantasy VII Walkthrough

Warning: This walkthrough is not spoiler free. Becareful when reading it, and don't read beyond the point that you are at... and don't say I didn't warn you!! Also, this walkthrough has been written solely by FFMaster77. The copying of any or all parts of this walkthrough, and crediting it as your own is illegal and a form of plagerism. You may print this, but only if all parts, including the credits, are included. If you have a site and would like to use this walkthrough on it, you can e-mail me here for permission. If you do use this walkthrough, you must give credit to the rightful owner, FFMaster77 in any or all pages displayed on a foreign site. (a site other than my own) Thank you for your cooperation and respect for the rightful owner of the walkthrough and the walkthrough itself...

Disc 2

2.1 Corral Valley Cave Climb your way through the rocks, caves, cliffs, and shells. this part contains some difficult areas to get in and/or out of if you don't know what you're doing. After you exit the caves follow the worldmap to the west, and then to the north, where you will find a place to recover from the recent happenings at the Ancient City. Once you reach the Worldmap, go west and around the mountains to reach Icicle Inn...

2.2 Icicle Inn By exploring the houses around Icicle Inn, you'll learn that Iflana, (Aeris's mother) lived here, and that it is said she was kidnapped by Shin-Ra. You can learn more about her, Aeris, Professor Gast, the Cetra, and Jenova by watching the videos that were recorded. If you try to leave town through the back, Elena will arrive, and blame you for the death of Tseng. She punches you, unless you move to the left or right in time. You hear that a man had passed through the town not to long ago, and that he was headed to the Northern Limits, through Great Glacier. Talk to the kid inside the center house, and he'll let you have his snowboard. Then go to Mr. Holzoff's house, to pick up the map on his wall and some items from the back...

   Snowboarding Controls (PSX)

                    D-pad up.....................................Kick Off When Stopped

                    D-pad down...............................Break

                    D-pad left....................................Turn Left

                    D-pad right.................................Turn Right

                    D-pad left + R1.........................Edge Left

                    D-pad right + R2......................Edge Right



2.3 Great Glacier After flying and crashing, look on the map to find out your whereabouts. (You can do this by comparing land traits to the map's pictures. Work your way North, until you reach the base of Gaea's Cliff. *Note : After a certain amount of time, you will pass out, unless you have reached your objective. If this happens, you will be rescued by Mr Holzoff, and taken to his other house, at the base of Gaea's Cliff...

2.4 Mr. Holzoff and the Gaea Cliffs Once you reach Mr Holzoff's house, you may return there as often as you like to rest and save. Listen to his story and advice. Once you start climbing the cliffs, you must take teh opportunity at every ledge to raise your body temperature, which should be kept around 37º. If it falls below 26º, You will pass out and be sent back to Mr. Holzoff's House. Scale the mountains and explore every aspect of the caves to make sure you get everything you will need in the future. After fighting Schizo in the final cave, climb up the remaining cliff, and head into the crater...

2.5 The Crater Follow the path deep into the ancient crater where Sephiroth rests. On the way down make sure to check all of Sephiroth's followers-some may turn into items. Also watch out for the Save Points and don't forget to grab the Neo-Bahamut Summon Materia. In certain points, the wind in the crater becomes very strong. Wait for the calm winds before proceeding, or else you will be pushed back and forced into a battle. The Shin-Ra executives show up eventually, but you don't have time to be messing around with them, so just continue on. Sephiroth appears, and leaves behind Jenova : Death to destroy you. As you grow closer to Sephiroth, he begins trying to take control over you mind, and you begin to see things like burning Nibelheim, and scenes from Kalm. However, you manage to keep your head straight for the time being. Shin-Ra arrives at the center of teh crater, and the WEAPONS begin to wake up. Then Sephiroth takes control of Cloud's mind, and gets Cloud to deliver him the Black Materia. Then the WEAPONS wake up, and all hell breaks loose...

2.6 The Execution Tifa wakes up seven days later, to find herself and Barret locked and under Shin-Ra control. The Crater now has a protective barrier around it, the WEAPONS are causing havoc, and Meteor has been summoned. And on top of that, President Rufus has decided to publically execute Barret and Tifa for causing the WEAPONS to wake and destroy many lives, and to take the blame off of Shin-Ra, and make the people trust them even more. Meanwhile WEAPON begins to attack Junon, where the execuion is to take place. Tifa frees herself, and WEAPON cuts a hole in her chamber, so she can climb out. While she escapes from the Shin-Ra soldiers, Barret, Cait Sith, and Yuffie steal The Highwind, Cid's old airship, and rescue Tifa off teh end of teh cannon before she is pushed off the end. Looks like AVALANCHE has a new HQ...

2.7 The Search For Cloud Cloud is missing, and the team elects to go back North to look for him. While in Icicle Inn, the team hears about a doctor on Mideel Island in the South, which is your clue to Cloud's whereabouts. Fly to Mideel, and during your visit, Tifa will stop to pet a dog in the middle of town. She will over hear two men talking about a pokey-headed guy washing up on shore...wonder who it could be? That's right, it's Cloud, but something is wrong. He has been exposed to huge amounts of Mako energy, and has Mako poisoning. So Tifa decides to stay with him while the rest of the team searches for a stop to Meteor. Cait Sith shares some inside info on Shin-Ra's search for Huge Materia, including the fact thatthey have already got the materia from teh Nibelheim reactor, and are getting ready to take it from the Corel and Fort Condor Reactors. Cid is put in charge of the team for the time being...

2.8 Mideel There is plenty to do in Mideel and the Mideel area. You can spend your time shopping the area stores or head into teh forests outside of town, to get a little EXP. Make sure you buy some Mimmet Greens before coming here, though, because if you find the white chocobo in one of the shops, you can give it one, and then tickle it behind its ear inn exchange for "Contain" Materia, which is very valuable. You can only get this Materia before Mideel is destroyed...

2.9 Runaway Train Take Cid and the team to Corel, but the back way, through the mountatins. (Like you did before you had any vehicles) When you reach the Corel Reactor, an train will come out, and on i twill be the huge materia. Your objective will be to catch up to the train, hop on it, beat all the monsters, and then stop the train before it hits Corel. If you don't save Corel, you will not get the Huge Materia, and you will also have to pay 50,000 gil for the Ultima materia...

2.10 Return to Fort Condor This will be your final fight at Fort Condor. It will be similar to the other fights, but make sure you bring lots of money, because this will be a little tougher. Set the troops up as you did in previous ones, and make sure to replace dead troops as soon as possible. As a reward for winning teh battle, you will get the Huge Materia, and "Phoenix" Summon Materia...

2.11 Cloud's Coma Go back to Mideel, and prepare for a fight. When you are ready, check out teh situation with Tifa and Cloud. During your conversation you will find out that Cloud is in a coma. But before you can find out much more, The Ultimate Weapon Attacks. This will not be the only time you will have to fight it, so don't worry about all out killing it. After you take a decent amount of HP away from it, it will fly away. The trouble isn't over just yet, however. Just as the beast flies away, Lifestream bursts out of the ground and desroys Mideel. Cloud and Tifa try to escape, but they are too late, and life stream pulls them in. When Tifa wakes up, she finds herself in a strange world with three Clouds! Cloud's conscious also hangs above them, as if it is waiting for answers. Start with the Cloud at Nibelheim, (At the top) then in the memory of the "Promise Night", (On the left) and finally a scene from when Tifa's Mother died. (On the bottom) Once Cloud's true story is cleared up, Cloud's mind is whole again, and he comes out of his coma...

2.12 The Underwater Reactor Fly to Junon and ride the elevator by the soldier up to the upper part of Junon for 10 gil. Search the passes in the area where the soldiers were training, until you find the passage to the underwater reactor. Upon entrance be prepared for the numerous enemies you will encounter in your quest for the Huge Materia. Go through the hallways to the elevator, and take it down to the base of the Underwater Reactor. Head through the underwater tunnels, and go into the main part of the reactor. You will see Reno, who will attempt to display his new weapon on you. Defeat it, and then hurry to the submarines. Looks like you're too late to hop the Shin-Ra sub, so you are forced to steal another sub. But the troops wont give it up that easily. Defeat the Shin-Ra troops and jump aboard. If you choose to kill the crew, you can get Shin-Ra Alpha, a valuable peice of Armor...

2.13 The Submarine Battle Unless you died in the fight against the Shin-Ra SOLDIERS, which is not likely to happen, you will move into the submarine to chase down the sub with the huge materia. go after the red sub and try to keep it locked in your target indicator. Fire four torpedos (max. number at a time) and keep doing so until the red sub sinks. You then pick up a signal telling you that Shin-Ra is going to send another Huge Materia out of the Junon Airport. Park the sub and get there as quicly as you can. Rocket Town seems to be a sensible place to intercept the Huge Materia from. After you control the sub again, go back underwater, and find the sunken red sub. Upon approaching it, you wil get the Huge Materia it was carrying...

2.14 The First Man In Space Cid will join you, and you'll be forced to fight off Rude and a Shin-Ra Attack Squad. defeat them, and then head into the rocket to find it prepared to launch. Cid is going to pilot the rocket into space, but it is set on a direct course to crash into and blow up Meteor. When in space, go to the Huge Materia Chamber and try to decipher the code to get the Huge Materia. The code is O, Square, X, X. Whether you have the Huge Materia or not, you have to get out of the rocket. Go to the escape pod, and get out of there before the rocket crashes into Meteor. It comes apart, but quickly begins to reconstruct itself...

2.15 The Ancient Machine Go to Cosmo Canyon, to discuss the Sephiroth / Meteor problem. You will have ot store the Huge Materia in Bugenhagen's Lab. If you go to the blue materia, you will get the Bahamut ZERO summon materia, if you already have Bahamut and Neo-Bahamut. To  Bone Village, into the Sleeping Forest, and back to the City of the Ancients. Go down the left path, to the back, and Bugenhagen will help you figure out some clues to finding the ancient key. The clues point to where "even sunlight can't reach," which suggests some sort of a cave. The cave is an underwater one, found in the back of a secret area in the north. WARNING!!! : watch out for the emerald WEAPON, you DON'T want to fight it... TRUST ME, NOT NOW!!! Go back to the City of the Ancients when the Key has been found, and Bugenhagen will place it where it goes. You will find out that Aeris has summoned Holy, but it has no effect because of Sephiroth. As you leave Bone Village, The diamond WEAPON will attack. It is about as tough as the Ultimate WEAPON in Mideel, maybe a little tougher. You can't do much, but hurt it some before Shin-Ra finishes it off with the Junon Cannon, which they moved to Midgar...

2.16 Return To Midgar Fly over Midgar with the Highwind, and enter Midgar by parachute. There are alot of good items to get in the tunnels of midgar, but they require to go out of your way, and could end you in a fight against one of the strange sewer creatures of Midgar. Make your way through the tunnels, items or no items, until you reach the train route. If you go south, (towards the screen) you can find an excellent materia called W-item. (go to Secrets to find the W-Item trick) Go north until you meet Reno, Rude, and Elena. It's your choice whether or not you fight them, depending upon what you choose to say. If you take the first left you will end up at the base of the cannon. If you take teh second left, you can go to Shin-Ra HQ to get a few items unavailable to you before. Remember the Megaphone Cloud wouldn't take all the way back in Disc 1?? It's still sitting there, as Cait Sith's Ultimate Weapon, the HP Shout. Eventually, you'll have to go to the base of the Sister Ray, (the cannon) right in the path of Heidegger and Scarlet's newest Weapon, Proud Clod. Head north until you reach the stairs. climb them checking all the boxes on the way up. If   Barret is in your party, his Ultimate Weapon, "Missing Score" will be in one of them. Once you reach Hojo, you will have to fight him in three forms, Hojo, Helletic Hojo, and Lifeform-Hojo. After him, Shin-Ra is defeated, and there is no one to stop you from getting to Sephiroth. At this point you may want to save and try to get any extra things you may have missed, including Chocobos, Master Materia, and teh Emereald and Ruby WEAPONS. All you need to get the extra stuff is in the Side Quests section. On to Sephiroth....