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Taking Back America Newsletter
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Welcome to our political news newsletter. Check out our Columns, Humor Page, and Potpourri for short political commentary. Freedom is preciuos to waste. So be sure to vote.
Want to know about politics and what the government of the USA is doing? Why because you need to be informed so: Join our mailing list! click here
This is a political newsletter and an open political forum. You will find the opinions in our columns the news in the political news. Laugh at the political humor page. Our Newsletter is issued on the 1st and the 15th of each month so visit us on the 1st and the 15th. Thank you for visiting our newsletter please come again.

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If you think we are right, if you think we are wrong if you want to express an opinion send an email to

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Columns News Features Humor and Letters
The Revolution Column by Don 3rd cup
of coffee
Awards Page
See Awards Won By This Newsletter
Me the Person Column by Lesile Agents Chat Lynx Page
other political sites
Letters to the Editor
Victims Voice
By Nicki
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Tiki Trash
By Bill
Potpourri Community Helps MY Adopted POW/MIA
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Taking Back America Newsletter GuestBook News Headlines

Feel free to add your page to my free for all links page. It dosen't have to be political any site is welcome.

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Feel free to add your page to my free for all links page. It dosen't have to be political any site is welcome.

View or Post to My Links Page!

Scroll down to apply for our awards.

We are proud to announce the American Freedom award has been presented to:

Date: Feburay 1 2001

There no winner this month.




We have a second award we will present upon occasion. The name of this award is:
Editors Choice Award

This award can not be applied for if you apply for the American award and your site meets the standards we will consider presenting this award.
This award will only be presented twice a year

The Standards for this award are as follows:

  1. The website must have at least five pages capable of winning the Freedom award.
  2. The web design has to be outstanding and easy to navigate.
  3. The graphics must be above average. Your graphics do not have to be original but then you must list the place you found them.
  4. Your links should all work.
  5. The content of the page or pages must be inspiratinal or thought provokoing.
  6. The site must be easy to navigate
  7. There is a three member pannel that decides who gets both awards, for the Freedom award you need two votes the Editors award you must get all three.

    Scroll down to see both awards and who has won them. On the page for the American Freedom Award are the instuctions on how to apply for the Award.

The Editors Choice

It is with great Pleasure we present the Editors Choice award to: