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This page is just for Aaron. These memories are all we have left. Pictures taken throughout the years help to keep his memory alive.

Click on the thumbnails to view pictures.

sept92.jpg (21181 bytes)  cowboy.jpg (13368 bytes)   superman.jpg (17609 bytes)

aaron2.jpg (19362 bytes)   watch.jpg (29008 bytes)   aaron1.jpg (11641 bytes)    aarontric.jpg (28444 bytes)    

aaron5.jpg (8280 bytes)   aaronmom.jpg (33554 bytes)   aarondad.jpg (18051 bytes)    

aaron4.jpg (15389 bytes)     Aaronreunion.jpg (13986 bytes)


This poem was written by a friend of Aaron's father,

 He didn't know Aaron.


The sight of a smile from your memory may fade.

But it's captured in photos, so don't be afraid.

The scent of his hair?...or is that a tease?

From the fragrance of flowers, in the cool evening breeze?

The sound of his laughter, once the joke had been played,

Will resound ever after,

 Just as if he had stayed.

The pleasure he gave us far outweighs the grief

 or...At least I hope that becomes your belief.

Whether, or not, you believe in a soul.

And however you perceive his role.

One thing you may be certain of,

 He brought you all a lot of love.

RF DeGroff

grave.jpg (16688 bytes)  aaronstone.jpg (16688 bytes)

"Forever Young"