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Welcome To Cody's Photos

Here is a collection of some photos I have of Cody. Most of them were taken by my son Bruce Ludemann Jr. and by Bill Tolhurst. They are not in any particular order and just photos that I enjoy and hope you enjoy looking at them too.

Cody 7 weeks
This is Cody the Day in November in 1999 Dorothy brought him home.

cody and I
Cody at a training session.

Here is Cody at a training session looking for gasoline in accelerant training.

Cody at a Training session (2001)

Cody Water work

Another training session.

Cody Staring at find
Cody at a Training session (2001)

Cody Carl & Bill

"Cody", Carl Greene Bill Tolhurst and myself at a training session at Coulson's pond. (2002)

Cody Cadaver Work
Cody working cadaver training at Coulson's pond. (2002)

Cody at Kenan
Cody at a Training session at the Kenan Center in Lockport, NY.

cody @
 Kenan center
Cody at a training session again at the Kenan Center.

Cody Training
Cody at a training session and the item he is suppose to find is in little white film cannister on the door latch. ( piece of human bone and hair and teeth used in cadaver training)

Cody waiting his turn
Cody waiting his turn at training.

Cody at another training session,this was May7th,2002 at the 4 H center.

Click for Lockport, New York Forecast

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