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c r u e l i n t e n t i o n s
Cruel Intentions
N e w s O f T h e N o w . . .


So sorry, but there will be no more updates to Cruel Intentions. I really have no more time to update the site anymore, and therefore will leave the site just as it is. I hope you guys all enjoy what is already here. :)

If you would like to view some of my other websites, please go to my site collective, Tragic Kingdom.

m a i n

t h e  m o v i e

t h e  s e r i e s

s u b m i s s i o n s

l i n k s

l i n k  t o  m e

a w a r d s

f u n  s t u f f

F A Q s

c o n t a c t  m e

f o r u m

g u e s t b o o k

Ryan Phillippe Banner Exchange

Please visit my affiliates:
the ryan phillippe garage

Warning: Some of the material on this webpage may be objectional to some viewers. None of this is used to offend, but will not be blocked because it is a part of the film and it's entireties. I am not responsible for the use of them on this site.
Legal Notice: "Cruel Intentions" is a TM and (c) of Columbia Pictures, all rights reserved.
Disclaimer: This site (Cruel Intentions, also known as Cruel Intentions Updates) is in no way making a profit. Materials such as images, sounds, and information are all property of Columbia Pictures. Custom made images and graphics are property of and may not be taken without permission from the author. Thank you, and enjoy!