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"Too Negative" is a comic series revolving mostly around the denizens of a Halfway House in Hell. Darkly humorous and irreverently gnostic in it's worldview, the maxim "everything you know is wrong" applies as much to those trying to correct or further harm the patients as equally as it does to the patients themselves.


At long last Unlucky 7 can be had here!

A collection of comics with the 2- crew & the joys of tonguelove, goading homophobes, self styled moralists, and Justin Timberlake's killer breasts.


all issues $1 each Write to :
Jenny Gonzalez
P.O. Box 22477
Brooklyn, NY, 11202-2477

BOOK OF BAD IDEASDaily Too Negative strips
24 HOUR COMIC 2005!OMG teh Aaron is kewt.
PLAYIN' WIT BARBIES?colored by Larry Perera NEW!

ALIEN ABORTIONThe conspiracy is exposed!
ANGSTY AARON AMOEBACan Aaron make the system work FOR him?
CONROY ROCKS!Baybee Raybees vs. Tower Power
PAZUZU COMIX AND STORIESThe demon Pazuzu has so much more to offer us than just pea soup.

TUFF TITTIESA three page story about Devil Dahlia, Force Bertha, and some magical tits.
Just another devil girl on the IRT...
Dahlia and Aaron talk Sweatshop...
A typical day at Hell's Halfway House...
So why has KillBaby Kill never had a girlfriend?
Some useless trivia about exorcism
Killbaby Day
Bongwater Buddhists
Are there any affordable ways to have fun left in Williamsburg? Find out here
Disgruntled Stream of consciousness
What's that stuff spiked with?!?
Killbaby Day
CAST OF CHARACTERS Learn more about the cast of Too Negative here.
NEGATIVE GALLERY!!!! Here's some art I got from friends and fans of Too Negative!
NEGATIVE REVIEWS!!!! Actually, most of them are positive. See what people are saying about 2- !


I've had comix appear in the following places: 9/11:Emergency Relief, Book and The Computer (Japan), Brutarian, Comic Store.com, Cow, Free Summer Franks, Friends of Lulu "Broad Appeal", Frontier of American Comics(Japan), Gurl.com, House of 12, Junkfood City, Katalogue(Canada), Legal Action Comics, Mauled!, NYC Free Comics, NY Hangover, PopTrash, Pussy! Magazine, Riverwurst, Sophie Crumb's T.P. Zine


Email: LilRenoir@aol.com