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Welcome to the wonderful world of GABY'S GUILTLESS GOODIES! These are treats designed and made for people who are looking for a healthy alternative to eating sweets and snacks. All of our fresh baked goods are made from 100% all-natural, sugarfree, whole, organic products. We use only whole wheat or whole brown rice flour, and everything on our menu is low-fat. GABY'S GUILTLESS GOODIES are perfect for anyone on the SugarBusters! diet, diabetics, or anyone who wants to eat sinfully... without the sin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you like our sugarfree, low-fat, whole-food approach to sweets and treats, but do not see your favorite indulgence on our menu, don't fret! We do fill custom orders-- tell us what you want and we'll try to whip it up for you, without the guilt, of course! When you call us, just be sure to note in your message that you are interested in a custom order. We'll do our best to satisfy your sweet tooth! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many of our products do contain fructose, which is an all-natural alternative to sugar. It IS permitted on the SugarBusters! diet; diabetics are permitted fructose but may want to take it's presence into consideration. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please note: At this time, we are only able to service customers in the Manhattan area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Carob Chunk Cookies
Fruit Squares
Peanut Butter and Jelly Brownies
Oatmeal Brownies
Sweet Pumpkin Bread
Peanut Butter Apple Loaf
Guiltless Cheesecake
Homestyle Whole Wheat Pretzels
Bran Muffins

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