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Have you ever had a day when absolutely nothing goes right?
And you wondered why the struggle to continue?
Well I am here to give you a lift. To remind you what life
is all about. The goodness and love there is to find if you
only open your eyes and mind to it.There are angels all around us. Some we see and some are
of the Heavenly Realm. Most of the Angels we come in
contact with are just like you and me. Humans that want to spread some love, joy, and kindness. To give kindness invites kindness to return.

It is my belief that Jesus is God. He came in human form to save us from an eternity without His presence. I believe He died, was buried, and was resurrected on the third day.

I believe in one church, one faith, one baptism. I believe in Acts2:38-39 as the only way to salvation. I respect your beliefs whatever religion you follow. I hope you respect my beliefs.
Please click here for my testimony.

The following stories will touch your heart no matter your religious affiliation. Please read them and pass these pages on to those you love.

God Bless You All

2/20/00 I have added the most beautiful poem of love written by my father-in-law to his adored wife. Won't you please read it? A Trip Through Our Canyon of Love

6/25/00 Please read this page, it will make you think about the sacrifices made over the years for out Freedom! The author is unknown to me, however the words are very true.The Solution

A very dear friend sent this to me. It was totally unexpected and therefore means so much!
Thank you Sharon, I treasure your friendship
Please visit Sharon's site. You won't be sorry!

This was made for me by Tammy, my RAOK sister, to commemorate the life of my sweet kitty Tommi, that went to the Rainbow Bridge on February2,2000 and is waiting there for me with my puppies, Missy, Tramp, Bum, and Waldo, and my kitties Fred,and Timmy1.

Thank you so much Tammy and all of my RAOK family for your love and support through all the ups and downs.

Christian Webrings

Please come again soon! More to come.

Don't leave yet! Please visit my other site and meet some wonderful friends, my causes and memorials for my loved ones.


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