My name is Kestrel Redfern.
So, do you want to know more about:
Kestrel Redfern
Who I Am
Other Characters I Play
Some of My Fave Quotes
Meet My Friends
Or See My Spirit Page
These are the tigers I adopted and named after
my sisters and I! I'm the one in the middle, hee hee.
Aren't I cute? Rowan, then me, then Jade.
Poor Ash! Where is he?
Nevermind... we don't care *lol*
These I adopted as well, their names are Luna and Sol.
My DTiger Team Spirit Cheer!
From the Dusk to the break of Dawn,
Who are the ones just partying on?
From the Light to the dark of Night,
Who are the ones roarin' to fight?
C'mon Tigers! Roar with us!
Stomp you feet to our wicked beat
And c'mon! Roar with us!
From wild Summer to breezy Fall,
Who are the ones with the loudest call?
From chilling Winter to sunny Spring,
Who are the ones with spirit to bring?
So add to it all, and roar with us!
Shake the Earth and show your worth
C'mon all Tigers, and ROAR WITH US!
© 1999-2000 Starr the Tigress
Last Updated: May 13, 2000
I do not take credit for any part
of this site that may belong to someone else -
including the images, names, and ideas.
If anything belongs to you, please email me
and I will give you credit where credit is due,
or take it off the page if you so desire.
Many of the pictures came from various places over
long periods of time and I no longer have a name
to credit them to. If you have a problem,
email and we'll get it cleared up. Thank you.