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Murry Bergtraum High School Library Media Center

American's spend ten times as much on home video games ($1.5 billion) as they do on school library materials for their children.

A recent Colorado study found the highest achieving students come from schools with good library media centers.

Students visit school library media centers 1.7 billion times during the school year-about twice the visits to state and national parks.

A quarter of all schools have no school librarian.

These facts where brought to you by The American Library Association Public Information Office 50 E. Huron St. Chicago, IL 60611 Telephone: (800)545-2433, ext 5044

Library Interns


Friends of the Library


The library has limited opportunities for volunteers and interns. If you are interested in volunteering, speak to the librarian.

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Content by Judith Dahill
Last revised Thur June 14, 2001