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Welcome to Aunt Anne and Uncle Bill's Page

And now.....a new picture of the littlelest (is that a word?) cousin:
Here is the proof that Aunt Anne is finally a grandmother - and of course Christopher is already being read to! Now we need the proof of Uncle Bill being a grandfather. Congratulations to the proud grandparents! Note the handstenciled pattern of Noah's Ark on the nursery walls over Aunt Anne's left shoulder. Liz - where do you find the time??

A big welcome to Christopher Margiotta. Since Mom and Dad (Liz and Charlie) don't have a middle name they gave their son an extra long first name to make up for not having a middle name either!!
Christopher arrived on Saturday, August 26 at 5:38 p.m. (or 17:38 FBI time) weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces and measuring a proud 20.25". He spent a few extra days in the hospital but now he is wonderful.
Matt and Claudia Mc and family got to visit last weekend and he looks great. Congratulations.

Please note: Charlie actually scanned in a photo and e-mailed it. That in itself deserves a congratulations!

Peter, Uncle Bill, Aunt Anne, Charlie Margiotta, and Liz (Schultz) Margiotta

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