Kewl Links

Expanding List Of Sites I Think Are Kewl

Webshots: Pictures
Top Five
Genocity -- Bioengineering Cheap
Stick Death (Kewl Site For The Twisted)
Planet Boredom
30 Lbs in 30 Days
Freebies and Much More
Makeover-o-Matic (new)

Submissions are welcome :)

The latest site is a fun subdirectory on The Spark website; this one concerns the attempt of a man and woman to gain thirty pounds in thirty days. I shifted the blood link to it's own page , and added a new link, "webshots" that is a picture trading website that is very helpful in finding pictures in many different subject areas.

Hemp comes from the same plant family as marijuana, but it is not a drug. It was originally used mainly as rope, but has a ton of uses, though its connection to the drug has led to a near total ban of production in this country for most of this century, except during WWII when hemp alternatives were blocked by the war. I feel the current criminalization is a waste of the opportunity to use a useful resource. See also, Hemp Times. Home

Ananova, the computer generated newscaster some think is comparable to Dot Matrix, is now alive and running. Check out the site to hear her give a news broadcast. Personally, it is a tad bit anti-climatic with all the hype she was given, but still not bad, and it is a neat idea.
