Ricky and the Blue Shadows ~ 2013

Welcome to Rockin' Ricky's!

Ricky and the Blue Shadows ~ 2013!

Ricky and the Blue Shadows ~ 2013 ~ Richie's Drum's!
Ricky and the Blue Shadows 2013.. "Richie's Drum's!"

Ricky and the Blue Shadows ~ 2013
Ricky and the Blue Shadows 2013! (Mark; Ricky; Richie)

Ricky and the Blue Shadows ~ 2013
Ricky and the Blue Shadows 2013! (Mark; Ricky; Richie)

Ricky and the Blue Shadows ~ Johnson City Class-1965 Reunion-2010
Johnson City Class-1965 Reunion-2010!

Ricky & Blue Shadows ~ 2010

Ricky & Blue Shadows ~ 2010!

Ricky & Blue Shadows ~ 2010!

TCSR Car Show-July-2009!
TCSR Car Show ~ 2009!!

Ricky's CooL!

Kirkwood Fair-Aug 2009!
Kirkwood Fair ~ 2009!!

Kirkwood Fair-2008!
Kirkwood Fair ~ 2008!!


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Available for: Dance, Parties, and Shows ~ For Reservations:
Email: rculrick@yahoo.com

Check out: "Ricky and the Blue Shadows" on "Facebook" & add friend for schedule's, vid's, pic's, interaction: link posted below:


Check out: "Ricky and the Blue Shadows" on "My-Space" (not updated) old link posted below:


Check out: "Doug Mosher on "Mix~Mornings~Mix 103.3FM"

"Mix~Mornings with Doug Mosher ~ Mix103.3FM"

Check out: "Ricky and the Blue Shadows" on Reverbnation.. many mp3's, pic's, video's!!

"Ricky and the Blue Shadows on Reverbnation!!"

Also, Check out: "Triple Cities Street Rods" click on hot rod link posted below:

Old's Hot Rod!

Ricky & Blue Shadows at Annie's Bar ~ sock hop ~ 2010!

Oldies Variety & Rock N' Roll Show! Specializing in the sounds of the 50's and early 60's..
"NEW"Upcoming Shows for 2013."

in progress.. 2013.. This site to be updated often For The 2013 Schedule ~ photo's hopefully to be updated soon as well lol...

Welcome~UPDATING 2013!!we are now booking dates for the year, 2013! - sorry i havent been on here putting dates lately because i post them more often now on facebook where many people are added there, sorry.. (go to: www.facebook.com/rickyandthe blueshadows) the new-"upcoming" schedule posted below... "New" upcoming places and dates to be announced very soon!! thanks!!:))

n/a -

January - 2013

Saturday, 12th - Mary's Bar; 85 castle creek road; starts 9pm. dance area; various food avail; pool table, shuffleboard.. (Ricky; Mark; Dave)

Saturday, 00 - N/A

Saturday, 25th N/A

February - 2013

Saturday, - n/a...

Saturday, 9th - Mary's Bar; 85 castle creek road; starts 9pm. dance area; various food avail; pool table, shuffleboard....

Saturday, 23rd - VFW-Post 478; Carroll Street; Bing; 8-12am.. (open to public on band nights)

March - 2013

Saturday, - n/a...

Saturday, 00 - to be announced..

Saturday, 00 - to be announced..

April - 2013

Friday, 5th - J.C. Eagles Club; Willow Street; Johnson City; 8-12am..(open to public on band nights)

Saturday, 6th - VFW Post 478; 65 Carroll St., Bing.. 8pm-12am...

Saturday, 13 - Mary's Bar; 85 castle creek road; starts 9pm. dance area; various food avail; pool table, shuffleboard..

Saturday, 30th - to be announced..

May - 2013

Saturday, 00 - to be announced soon..

Saturday, 00 - to be announced soon..

Saturday, 00 - to be announced soon.. ..

June - 2013

Saturday, 1st - Cheri Lindsey Fund Raiser party.. Relief Pitcher; Conklin;(purchase tickets for entry..) 6pm. band 7-11pm. Buffet dinner buffet/Dance/raffles... (contact us for more info on how to purchase tickets)

Saturday, 8th, - Car Show in Killawog/Centre Lisle; 11am-2pm.. "Ricky with the Outer-Reef Band!" (Buffet-type Summer Music & R&R..)

Saturday, 8th, - Blind Tiger; 8:30pm-11:30pm.. (Ricky & Blue Shadows)

Saturday, 15th, - J.C. Eagles Club; Willow Street; Johnson City; 8-12am (open to public on band nights)

Saturday, 22nd - VFW-Post 478; Carroll Street; Bing.. 8-12am.. (open to public on band nights)

July - 2013

Saturday, - to be announced

Friday, 19th - The Dugout in Apalachin; 7pm-10pm.. "Ricky with the Outer-Reef Band!" (Buffet-type Summer Music & R&R..)

Saturday, 20th - Remlik's; 8pm-11pm.. "Ricky with the Outer-Reef Band!" (Buffet-type Summer Music & R&R..)

Saturday, 27th - VFW-Post 478; Carroll Street; Bing; 8-12am.. "R&B.Shadows" (open to public on band nights)

August - 2013

Saturday, 00 - to be announced..

Friday, 9th, - Blind Tiger; 8:30pm-11:30pm..

Saturday, 10th, - Mary's Bar; 85 castle creek road; starts 9:30pm. dance area; various food avail; pool table, shuffleboard.. n/a

Saturday, 00 J.C. Eagle's Club Annual Picnic.... Date to be announced..

Saturday, 23rd or 24th - Church Bizzare.. "Ricky with the Outer-Reef Band!" (Buffet-type Summer Music & R&R..) exact Date & times to be announced...

Saturday, 31st VFW-Post 478; Carroll Street; Bing.. 8-12am.. (open to public on band nights)

September - 2013

Saturday, 1st - to be announced..

Saturday, 13th - The Dugout in Apalachin; 7pm-10pm.. "Ricky with the Outer-Reef Band!" (Buffet-type Summer Music & R&R..)

Saturday, 00 - N/A..

October - 2013

Saturday, 00 - to be announced..

Saturday, 12th - Mary's Bar; 85 castle creek road; starts 9pm. dance area; various food avail; pool table, shuffleboard...

Saturday, 00 - to be announced..

November - 2013

Saturday, 00 - to be announced..

Saturday, 9th - Mary's Bar; 85 castle creek road; starts 9pm. dance area; various food avail; pool table, shuffleboard...

Saturday, 00 - to be announced...

December - end of the 2012 year..

Saturday,00 - to be announced..

Friday, 28th - VFW Carroll Street; Bing.. 8-12am..

Monday, 31st - NEW YEARS EVE!! J.C. Eagles Club; Willow Street Johnson City; 8-12am; Food Buffet provided; Entertainment; Open to public.... ;=)

Note: new 2013' show dates coming soon!! look for more dates/upcoming show's and new 2013 schedule to be posted and updated often.. - Extra - dates/year

Saturday, 00 :=)

Saturday, 00 ;-)

Saturday, 00 ;=)

2013 bookings in progress - check back often for updates to calendar...

"Take a walk down memory lane and remember when...the 50's~60's" Reserve the band today for your next Rock N' Roll party or event!

Ricky and the Blue Shadows Is A Live Boogie-Band That Loves To Twist, Bop’n Rock “n” Roll To The 50’s “n” 60’s! With a blend of some 70's classic, 80’s Rock “n” Roll and Classic Country music favorites, make up this very unique oldies variety group!! Reserve your next RocK N' RoLL Party, Anniversary, Birthday, Reunion, or Special Event with us soon! The group only book's 2-3 times a month, so make your reservation's early! The Band Promotes Audience Participation And Offers A Show that everyone will love!! Ricky and the Blue Shadows welcomes any opportunity to perform. E-Mail Contact: rculrick@yahoo.com



kirkwood fair-2007


Ricky and the Blue Shadows
"Live" Boogie Band!
50's~80's Rockabilly & Rock N' Roll Show!

Contact: Ricky - Email - rbulrick@juno.com


Note: hey.. send us an e-mail if u-would like to be placed on our e-mailing list!

Ricky's Bop Avenue..

# Of VisiTing Rock-a-Billy kaTz..

Rockin' Ricky's Bop Avenue site since October~1999! the band since Oct. 2002! \;~) (Last Updated on 12~26~12)

"Disclaimer: All photos and/or graphics 'containing' Rockin' Ricky, are his own. Copyright © 2006.. all rights reserved.. Please e-mail R. Ricky for permission of any use-Thank you. Any other graphics and/or animations used here are either scanned, uploaded, or are freely distributed from various graphic sites such as, clipartCastle.com, Dyzan-Domain, Bravenet.com Services, special thanks to TCSR; etc.."