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RosaryWine's Rosary

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This will probably be a different type of rosary site than what is generally out there on the web.  Much of it is from some reading I did more than 10 years ago. I found a little booklet in a bargain book bin and it got me to thinking about being creative with the rosary.  This may not sit well with rosary purists, but neither the prayers nor the meditation is meant for them (but for God, of course) so I see that as their problem, not mine.  Personally, I have found it helpful to put a little of the creativity God put in me back into this prayerful meditation.

Though raised Catholic I cannot say that I particularly practice that way now.  I have enormous respect for the present pope and I respect the traditions, but I do have questions about some things that are taught (and they're probably NOT the questions you may think). That is, there are some things that I question being a matter of salvation.  Basically I believe in the Apostles' Creed, God, the Trinity, Jesus' Sacrificial Death, Scripture, the Ten Commandments. I have no problem with praying to saints because I believe in the communion of saints and that saints live on after death.  If I can ask you here and now to pray for me, I see no reason for not asking those who have passed on.  I also believe there is a moment when a person truly decides whom he will follow, what many call being "born-again."

I believe that the rosary is a wonderful meditation on the life of Christ.  Along with the traditional rosary of the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries I have expanded mine to include many other events from the life and ministry of Jesus.  

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