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Welcome to my garden

Welcome to my special place away from all the ugliness in the world. I dream here, and play here, and even worship the Goddess here...I list stories, poetry and graphics made or written by friends , the same friends who seem to be the strands holding my life together. I want this garden to continue to grow with light and love from people I know both at home and on the web..I have been cleaning my garden of late , ridding it of the dead clinging vines that want to choke the life out of it..and me. Oh , dont be mislead these dead and decaying vines also have a purpose in my garden , they serve as reminders of what could be if I heed not, the messages the Goddess sends. My shining light , she has given me the gift of knowing ..I have not the knowledge of ages , yet . It is something I will strive for in this life , always learning I spend my days basking in the sun in my garden , thinking of new ways to help new and old friends along whatever path they choose.

I have chosen to take the more enlightening spiritual path of Wicca. For those who dont know ,this path supports Truth,and since my garden has been cleaned of the half-truths and lies that were the undergrowth and clutter there,I walk this path of enlightenment for me and me alone. I am a solitary practitioner on an eclectic journey of light and love,the Goddess will guide and protect me through this life of lessons , I have ,or have yet to learn.

I found this on the web while checking for broken links..I think It's beautiful , and says it all about the path I have chosen....

Wicca is a forest in the light of the silvery moon...
a glade enchanted by the light of the faery. Its the dewdrop on the petals of a flower in bloom, the warmth of the summer sun on the skin, the fall of colorful autumn leaves, and the softness of winter snow upon the earth,
It is light and shadow and all that lies between.
It is the song of the wind, and the tune of the tides.
It is the symphony of life!
To be a witch is to be a healer, a teacher, a seeker, a giver, and a protector of all things living and alive.
If this path be yours, may you tread it with honour and light!

The Wiccan Rede
Pricipals of belief
Code of Chivalry
What is Wicca..really?
Strands in the Web

Let your spirit dance...Stories,Poetry and Song
Let your spirit dance...More Stories,Poetry and Song

Newage Info
Witches Voice
CFIDS,FMS and Lyme Disease
Multiple Sclerosis Facts
Crisis Info
