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Welcome to LOST IN SURREAL. I started this site in 2000. It's original purpose is now changing. It's now a personal experiment. I am going to expose myself, bare my soul as they say. Introducing me, Nameless..to you, Faceless! But currently this site is under construction to make the transition. -November 2003

Please sign my guest book! I love feedback!

WARNING: Due to the content in the pages that follow dealing with adult issues this site is not recommended for YOUNG or SENSITIVE viewers

get this gear!

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Support freedom

traveling thru the site..

my artwork - 2001

my animations - 2001
letter to you 2003
art gallery
1st poem - 2000
2nd poem - 2000
3rd poem - 2000
4th poem - 2000
5th poem - 2000
6th poem - 2001
7th poem - 2001
8th poem - 2001
9th poem - 2001

EMAIL/and or ADD URL etc.
Yours and other KEWL Links!
LAST PAGE, one last pic, and GUEST BOOK!!!

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Support freedom