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The Womb of the Goddess; A Place to Learn, Love and Grow

The Womb Of
The Goddess

Enjoy your stay! Come inside, be
informed, and best of luck on all your journeys.

Hey everybody, I'm back!

Welcome to The Womb of the Goddess! My name's Lily Moonsong, and this is my little spot on the Web for all aspiring Wiccans or other Pagans to come learn and share their thoughts. Check out the Grimoire for loads of information. To learn how you can help fight against religious intolerance, check out the page dedicated to Pagan Freedom Fighting. Share your thoughts or concerns on the Message Boards. Check out the links on the Links page. There's so much to do! There's even music to listen to while you surf the site. Happy Learning!

**This Just In: The Covenant of the Goddess estimates the number of U.S. pagans to be about 768,400 (not including the people who didn't take their poll). Be ready to take the next one, and be counted! For now, check out their page, listed on the links page.

Live Moon Phase Display
Click on the image to go to Moontribe's page.

Be Counted! Join the Pagan Census!

Is your child (or someone you know) a pagan, but you're not? Come here first.

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