Mr. X-Ripoff of
On Sunday, December 3, 2000, the Simpson's episode Mr. X ran. In this episode Homer makes a webpageabout many stupid conspiracies, such as the Mortons who live 6 inches under Denver and flu shots that control people's minds. He won a Pullitzer Prize for his work. One of these conspiracies is true, so Homer is kidnapped to a secret island where he is drugged repeatedly. Notice any similarites? |
Glad you asked. As you all know, The Simpson's is the only reason people have given FOX a chance to succeed. The owner of the FOX Network, Rupert Murdoch, has stolen from this website twice. We need all the help you can get in order to sue these shows and the FOX network. Our previous lawsuit, which named only Freakylinks, now includes The Simpsons and the FOX network. We cannot do it alone. Any potenital donors or lawyers who would like to do pro bono work, email us at We need your support to stop this plagarism.
I thought you'd never ask. As seen in said episode of the Simpson's, Homer is kidnapped by conspirators. Our entire team at is in mortal danger. We need all of you to open your eyes for suscpious people looking for the website headquarters. As long as we, the staff, remain anonymous, they will not find us. According to sketch artists, the potential culprit will look something like this picture. We have also entered in our reporting with the Pullitzer Corporation. If he can win one, we can do it to! |