Please Help By Donating To The Red Cross or Any FDNY, NYPD, or Hospital Funds To Help In The Relief Efforts In NYC and Washington DC.
If you are interested in becoming a firefighter or getting into first aid then this would be a great start for you. In our explorer post we are trained in first aid and everything needed to become a firefighter. We also do auto extrication, search and rescue, and F.A.S.T. team training. We are offering different courses that teach us certain skills. Plus we also have drills every other week, and sometimes every week. We do have meetings every other Tuesday night. We also have to do fundraisers. But we try to keep these to a minimum. Last year we had about 4 car washes and sold Zap-A-Snack. We also held a Chinese Auction at the Hose Companies Open House. This money was spent on participating in different competitions. Also, for our uniform pants. This year we already sold Zap A Snacks. In Oct. at the open house we will have our Chinese Auction again. Hopefully that will be all we have to do this year. Of course, that depends on how much money we make. If you are interested, we are going to participate in the 2nd Annual Fire Olympics at The Erie County Fire Towers on Sept. 15th. We'd appreciate your support as we edge towards 1st place this year.
The Eggertsville Explorers are Trained to Perform These Tasks
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