Welcome to Kokopelli Kingdom!
Idolized by the ancient Native American tribes of New Mexico, Kokopelli was known as "The Joy Bringer." He was a mystical merrymaker who traveled from village to village spreading happiness with his music and good humor.
It is said his flute had power over the animals, and even Mother Earth herself. Kokopelli is often pictured with a hump-back, although many believe that it was actually a basket, with which he carried away our troubles.
Kokopelli possessed the wisdom of the ages. This joyful traveler had lessons for all. Perhaps his greatest lesson was showing us that we shouldn't take life so seriously!
Of all the different ways to describe Kokopelli, perhaps the best is...Fun Loving Native American Scoundrel
And dedicated to "Night-Shine!
Love ya, hun!Please take SPECIAL NOTE!!
You will find two different kinds of images here:
1) Web/internet images
2) Personal Craft/design images
The Web/internet images are for use on your personal/non-profit webpages
Do not add them to your collections,
use only to add beauty to your OWN page.
Do not link directly, but TRANSLOAD them to your own server!
The Personal Craft/designs are NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN!!
They have been placed here for our viewing pleasure only and must NOT be removed under any circumstances!!!
Please use your best judgement, honesty and integrity when viewing these images. Do not dishonor those crafts men/women who spent hours on their Kokopelli, by "stealing" their work! You will know which images I am speaking of as you view them!.Thank you for visiting and enjoy this little "trickster" as much as I do!
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I would like to honor my special
friend Patrice, without whose help,
this page would not have been possible!
Click this "little buddy" to visit
her lovely webpages!HEY WAIT...THERE'S...
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