Chapter 4

"Listen, this is his blood not mine, I hate hospitals, I really do, so can you just stop checking my pulse and shit, you're making me really nervous right now", Kyra said, nicely.

The paramedic looked at her, and muttered 'I'm sorry'.

"It's okay, now go take care of Carter over there", Kyra said, pointing to Nick.

His skin was turning into an off white color, his lips a violetly purple. They arrived at the hospital and they all got out and ran into the emergency room, where Kyra was told to sit out, and wait for Nick to come out in four or five hours.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do for four or five hours, they have got to be kidding me, man I hate this smell", Kyra thought, she let out a small groan.

Four hours later, Kyra sat on the quite uncomfortable chair, the doctor came out and took a seat next to Kyra.

"Kyra, he's fine, he's going to be okay, he just lost a whole lot of blood, but we used some from another person, the only problem is he has amnesia and the only thing he can remember is you, you were the last person he got to see, so your image is imprinted on his mind, he's awake, he won't go to sleep with out seeing you, so want to go Kyra ?", Doctor.Morgason informed.

Kyra nodded and stood up from the chair and followed Doctor.Morgason into Nick's private room, the doctor walked out, Kyra didn't want to be in there with him, she felt weird, she wasn't a friend of his, not blood related, she felt quite uncomfortable.

Kyra took a seat in the empty chair.

"So um how are you holding up ?", Kyra asked, trying her best to make a conversation going.

"Horrible, I don't remember shit, but only you, and it's really weird, all I know is that the doctor told me my name is Nick Carter, and thats probably it, can you tell me more ?", Nick asked, looking at her in the eyes.

"Yeah sure, here I go, you're a fucking bastard, a druggie, alcoholic, sex magnet and oh yeah you got some nice cool friends, that answer your question", Kyra said.

"You're not helping", Nick groaned.

"Look we don't know each other personally so I am truly sorry that I can't help you with your questions and shit, but if you want I'll call the school, ask them for your parents numbers and they'll come and answer your itching questions, how does that sound ?", Kyra asked.

"Fine", Nick, muttered.

"Okie dokie, then let me go outside so you can think for awhile"

Kyra dialed the school number, and they gave her the number, she dialed his parent's home number.

"Hello this is the carter residence, how may I help you ?", a voice asked.

"Um this is Kyra and Nick Carter, is in the hospital here at Tampa Medical, and he has some kind of amnesia and he's fussing and asking questions that I really can't answer", Kyra informed.

"Well be right over"

After that they hung up and Kyra stuffed her cell into her bag and walked back into the room.

"They'll be here in thirty possibly"

Nick nodded and continued staring out the window.
