Tips For Tryouts/Jumps

Hey!Here are some tips that came useful to me while trying out!

1)when going to tryouts..what usually happens is you learn a cheer and then perform it infront of the judges.. always remember to be as loud as you can..and make eye contact with the judges

2)Always smile..

3)If ur performing a cheer infront of judges that has hand movements..always keep ur arms firm and stiff..

4) If you get called back to Second Cut..where the same outfit you wore the day u had tryouts..because that makes the judge remember who u are..

5) Wear ur school shows the judge that you have alot of school spirit..

6)Shout from your stomache..not ur throat..

7)Drink water before trieing out,it helps you be louder and pronounce words clear for your cheers..

8)If you mess up..Don't and start again!

9) Look like your having fun


please excuse my pathetic


The jump begins with one foot forward and both arms overhead in a high "V" position. As you whip the arms together, down and across the front of the body you step forward bringing both feet together as you bend the legs and prepare to push the body into the air..As the arms rise up and out to the sides of the body, you push hard with the legs helping the arms lift the body into the air. As the body continues to rise the last thing that will happen is the feet push down against the floor which will ensure that the feet will be pointed in the jump. You have now attained "lift"... Once the body has attained "lift" and is rising and the feet have pushed down against the floor, now is the time to pull the legs up and out to the sides of the body. Sit up in the jump and don't lean over. Instead of reaching down for the feet which will make you lean over pull the feet up to where the hands are...


The herkie jump will begin in the same way as the straddle jump with one foot forward and both arms in a high "V" position. As you whip the arms together, down and around you bring both feet together as you step forward, bending the legs and preparing to push the body into the air...As the arms continue to lift up and out stopping at the sides of the body the legs push helping to drive the body into the air...As the body continues to rise into the air the body looks like a letter "T" and the last thing that happens is the feet push down against the floor ensuring that the feet will be pointed in the jump. Your body has now attained lift...Once the body has attained lift the jump becomes a little more complicated than the straddle jump. As one arm rises to an overhead position close to the head, the other arm bends with the hand on the hip in a fist. While the arms are reaching their positions the leg on the straight arm side is pulled down and back in a bent position and the leg on the bent arm side is pulled up and out in a straight position..

If you have any other jump tips or anything like that then e-mail me at and i'll be glad to put it up!!