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The Klumps

The Nutty Professor II: The Klumps
(2000; Peter Segal, director)

In this movie Janet plays Denise Gains. She falls in love with Sherman Klump. When Sherman tries to propose to her “Buddy Love” comes out and ruins it for him. Using Denise’s discovery Sherman extracts the gene. This process was never tested and many things in Sherman can change.

So now Buddy Love is a pile of blue goo in a tube. Buster a dog Sherman has been experimenting with nocks over the tube and Buddy grabs onto a hair from Buster. Buddy turns into a human again but he has dog qualities from Buster’s hair.

Sherman invented a "youth juice" which a company is willing to pay Denise and Sherman $15,000,000 for. Buddy Love finds out about this and goes to the company first trying to get the money. In the meantime Sherman's intelligence is lowering because he extracted the “Buddy” gene. Denise has no idea until she sees his computer and finds out what happened. In a short time he will become a total idiot. The only way to be smart again is to suck up Buddy Love. Sherman turns him into blue goo again using his youth juice and a ball he tricked Buddy into playing fetch with. But Buddy evaporates before Sherman can catch him by the water fountain.

Denise speeds down to find Sherman but she is to late. She hugs Sherman and says she'll take care of him as a tear drop hits the evaporated Buddy. (that part was really emotional to me) The water turns blue and Sherman drinks it and he is saved.
