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Poetic Justice

Poetic Justice
(1993; John Singleton, director)

Janet Jackson's performance in this movie seems to go beyond performance: she sinks so deeply into the role of Justice that you almost forget she's Janet. Justice is a hairstylist. She lost her first love from a gunshot in a drive-in. During the movie she finds love with another L.A. native like herself- Lucky. The first time Justice and Lucky met there was a bit of a controversy. Justice and her friend Isha end up going with Lucky and Chicago(Lucky's friend) to Oakland where they have to make a mail delivery and Justice has to go to a hair show.

On the way Lucky and Justice get into a huge fight and Justice leaves the mail truck. Iesha makes Lucky wait for Justice and reluctantly she gets back in. There are many stops along the way to Oakland including a family reuinion in which none of them are in that family.

Lucky stops to think and Justice gets out and follows him. By this time Lucky kicked out Chicago for hitting Isha and throwing J(ustice) to the ground. Justice walks over and they start to kiss (thats when you know they're in love).

When Iesha, J, and Lucky get to Lucky's aunts house they find Lucky's cousin dead. Then out of the anger in his Lucky tells Justice that he never really liked her.(that's the nice way to put it- he said something else)

Iesha and J leave and go to the hair show. When they get back to L.A. Lucky goes to the salon Justice works at with his daughter. Justice forgives him and they kiss.
