Chapter Three

"Finally",Leah mimicked and broke into fits of giggles.

After regaining back her composure she walked over to her balcony she could hear a little boy yelling while chasing with a hose a little girl who seemed to be atleast thirteen years old.

"Leah !!",Angela yelled from downstairs.

Leah snapped out of her small daze and yelled back "What ?".

"Come down here",Angela said.

"Alright hold on a sec",Leah said.

Leah closed the doors to her balcony and ran down the stairs,she saw two people one girl and one boy.They looked awfully familiar.

"Leah meet Bj and her older brother Nick they live two houses down from us",Angela informed her.

Leah simply nodded and said a small "hello".

"Well I will leave you three to chat I have to go call bellsouth because your father forgot to",Angela said loudly as Ryan passed,Ryan gave her an I am really sorry look.

As Angela was about to walk out of the room,Leah grabbed her arm and whispered quietly so the the people wouldn't hear "Mom,what do I say ?".

"Leah say something about yourself hunny",Angela said pulling Leah's arm from her.

Leah sighed and let go Angela.She turned around and plastered a smile onto her face.

"You have a thick english accent you from England ?",Nick asked.

"Yeah",Leah said.

"Thats awesome",Bj exclaimed smiling.

"Yeah I guess",Leah said sadly she was already missing her London.

Both Nick and Bj noticed how the sadness had swept away her happy smiling self.

"I am sorry you had to move,but ya know Florida isn't that bad",Nick said putting an arm around her shoulder.

Bj smiled sympathetically at her.

"Yeah Florida will be a-o-k",Leah said.

They all laughed.

"Leahhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!",Monique yelled storming into the grand living room.

Leah groaned.

Monique knew exactly who Bj and Nick where inside she was jumping up and down and screaming she flashed them both a smiled and then returned back at yelling at her older sister.

"Monique you yell again for no fucking reason I will do something to you",Leah warned.

Monique gave her a look and turned back around on her heal and stormed away to find her dad,Ryan.

"Well uh thats my sister Monique",Leah said laughing softly.

"The girl has a nice pack of lungs",Nick said jokingly.

The girls laughed.

* One Hour Later *

Nick looked down at his watch and said sadly "Beej it's time to go".

"Do we gotta",Bj said whining.

"Fraid so Bj",Nick said standing up from the comfy couch.

Bj stood up and smiled at Leah and said "Leah it was nice metting you and I'll see you tomorrow..k".

Leah nodded and they both left.

Chapter Four

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