"Hey thanks",Bj said munching on the apple.
Leah gave her a smug look and grabbed an apple for herself.
"So wheres Moni ?",Leah asked her mother Angela.
"Do not call me that Leah",Monique said annoyed.
She hated it when Leah would call her that,Moni this,Moni where is she.Leah laughed.
"I can call you whatever I want",Leah said throwing the core of the apple into the trash can.
"Oh yeah baby whose good,I am good",Leah cheered herself.
Nick gave her a look which meant -Is she crazy ?-.Leah looked over at him and looked down and laughed silently.
"So this is Aaron and Angel and Leslile and well you already met my parents",Bj said introducing her siblings.
"Hey",Monique said cheefully.
"Cheerleader type of greeting HEY",Leah mumbled.
Monique gave her a death threathining look.Nick laughed.
"Nick take deep breaths,now calm down cuz you are turning into a damn tomato",Leah said in a motherly way.
Nick looked at her and said "Oh please don't tell me that mother thing is kicking in".
Bj laughed at her brothers face.
"Well kids us adults are going to start cooking,so all of you youngsters OUT !",Bob said playfully pushing Monique.
"Hey wait a sec I am an adult I'm twenty so HA ! I get to stay and ya'll get to leave",Nick said smirking.
"C'mon Carter I want to get to know all you better",Leah said grabbing Nick's arm and dragging him into the play area.
The play area has a pool table,a bar,and a TV hanging from the roof.
"This is awesome",Angel shrieked.
"Lets play pool",Aaron said grabbing a stick.
"Alright",Monique said grabbing a stick.