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Natural Disasters
             Around The World
                                                                            by L. Shawadeim Reagans

        This site serves as a thematic teaching tool on Natural Disasters.  It uses social studies as the primary subject, which is then used to integrate the other academic disciplines.  Thematic teaching connects areas of learning thus making it fun and easy for children to digest the information.  Although this site is targeted for upper elementary school, with the proper modifications, it is a resource for all.
*This site was inspired by Earth Alert.

General Information  (Use these sites to integrate social studies, science, art,
                                                any other academic discipline)
Countries A-Z  This site provides facts and maps about every country in the world.
Natural Disaster Brochure  This site provides you with general information.
Natural Disasters  Here you can find a virtual exhibit on natural disasters.

Out of the Inferno   This site provides you with facts and animations of volcanoes.
Restless Planet   Learn about plate tectonics and how they cause the earth to shake.
Waves of Destruction   Learn about the dangers of water.
Real Time Data -All of these sites provide minute by minute information on Natural
                   Disasters.  Learn where they last struck and where to expect them next .
Current Events/ Disasters
Natural Disasters & Hazards/ Floods
News Earth Alert
Storm Center
Weather Maps
World News
Statistics -These sites provide you with all statistical information concerning natural
                        disasters.  Use this information to implement into your mathematics, science
                           and geography curriculum.
Geological Data Resources
Floods, Avalanches, and Tidal Waves
IMCS; Marine Remote Sensing Lab
Meteorological Data Resources
Ask The Experts
Dr. Universe  Here you can ask any question you have concerning the universe.
Savage Earth  This site uses experts in the field of natural disasters who post frequently
                        asked questions and the answers to them.

Literature provides bundles of information geared toward all age groups
     concerning natural disasters.  Click on a sub-title below and you will find
         the book reviews and their prices.
Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Eyewitness: Hurricane and Tornado
Fire & Flood
I'll Know What to Do : A Kid's Guide to Natural Disasters
Natural Disaster Mazes
Water (Against the Elements)
Disasters and Catastrophes  This site provides "information and entertainment
                                             for people who think disasters are fascinating."

Teacher Resources/Lesson Plans
 -Use these sites for comprehensive lesson plan outlines and additional teaching information that you can use in the classroom.    **Highly Recommended
AITLC Guide to Tornados
Discovery Channel School
SERCC's Quarterly Weather Lesson Plans
**Natural Disasters-"Keep your eye on what's happening"
Real Time Data Project - These are a couple of internet-based interdisiciplinary project that are engaging and educational
Rolling Thunder
Weather Here and There
Musical Plates Project

This site was created by L. Shawadeim Reagans a sixth grade teacher at Public School 92 in Harlem, New York.  Questions and comments may be sent to .
Site last updated July 28th, 2000.