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Drastic Mezures: This shit is crazy! 5Xs of alcoholic power! It's so strong you can actually taste the X's going down. The first few sips are tuff but once you get goin' the buzz comes on fast. I was sippin the bottle neck to get used to it then when I got to the label I tried to hero-time it but I only made it to the ass-end. Being that it was an out-of-state 40, I finished every last drop. I was buzzin' for hours after that.

Ghetto V says: Probably my new favorite the high alcohol makes it taste like a cheap vodka but like steel reserve once your half-way through the bottle it doesn?t taste like anything anyway. Definitely approve of camo worth a road trip to Penn.

Tight Rope: This bad boy ripped my stomach apart on the way down and even hours after completion of this fearsome selection i was still in discomfort. The flavor of this stuff definetly leaves something to be desired , however it was extremely strong in alchohol content and I could not complain about my stronger than usuall buzz. Still this little horsey has much to learn from the awesome Double Malt in aspect of flavor . Great buzz , bad taste says Tight Rope.....

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All pictures and images owned by Drastic Mezures.
© 2001 C4 Productions