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Drastic Mezures: This started out as everything I don't look for in a 40 - wide mouth, flat taste and Anheuser-Busch, plus the guy at the store put it in a black plastic bag instead of a brown paper bag. Well, I turned a bad stiuation into a good one and put the wide mouth to use. Once I got going with it, this snake in the grass pounced up on me and after hero timing it I was buzzin'. Even though it lacked taste, it wasn't as bad as Hurricane and was strong enough to get the job done. If there's nothing else good around I'll settle for this, otherwise I wont be having the cobra very much.

Ghetto V: Just a regular boring 40 not very interesting I prefer to stay with the higher alcohol levels cause the effects come good when I have to settle for these cheap 2 dollar gas station brands at 3am it usually takes more than 1 which is bad for the stomach for bloating.

Tight Rope: Nearly identical to Hurricane except it mixes better, no alcohol flavored subtext. There is nothing to distinctive about this one except an exciting label which quickly becomes a let down in contrast to the label.

See the previous 40 in the list. See the next 40 in the list.

All pictures and images owned by Drastic Mezures.
© 2001, 2003, 2004 C4 Productions