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Drastic Mezures: This is one of the weirdest tasting 40's I've ever had. When I opened it, it smelled like dirty feet and it had a weird after taste that was like seltzer water. Even though it was weird I don't consider it bad and can easily have another one. Every one else that tried it hated it.

Ghetto V:This is one me and carl got on our Maryland trip I managed to get paste the smell of sweaty feet to taste it just to find the same footlike quality in my mouth, I hate my life.

Tight Rope: Blue Bull has a strange odor for such a good malt liquor but it's smooth aside from smelling like cheese. I can look past the smell for the sake of the flavor. If you can believe that one. I had this one for the first time in a hotel in Noonan, Georgia. As a result of my alcohol fueled logic I flushed my boxer shorts down a hotel toilet, weird.

See the previous 40 in the list. See the next 40 in the list.

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