Welcome to the Pony Files! Much of what you will see here contains my private collection as well as a perticular area that contains names of good Pony traders and those that have proven to be not so good. A valuable list to keep checking if you are an avid trader, saves many headaches when it comes time to determine who to trust when you are about to make a trade for that special Pony or Pony lot that you have your eye on. Don't forget to check into my Lists of what I have for trade & what I am looking for, we may just be able to make a deal and you might be able to find that special Pony you we're looking for! Click the star below to go into the area you wish to go. There's many pictures of Ponys with more to be posted asap. There's more planned for this site, so book-mark this page and keep checking back for more updates, pictures of Ponys, general info. and more. Please sign my guest book too... let me know what you like, what you don't or what you would like to see here. Thanks much! My Collection MLP babies European baby ponies Flutters View Adult MLP So Soft MLP European adult ponies MOC/MIB MLP! MLP made in Ohter Countries MLP Italians MLP MAILORDERS MLP weird variations MLP brazil variations MLP customs New MLP MLP items MLP Puzzle View Personalpics My room Good traders/sellers list Wanted & for trade lists My collection list DAOC DAOC chars DAOC Guildevent My collection list Email Me
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This Ring is owned by The Royal Fortress