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Expressways Site for Expressway Photos and Stories

Featuring the Van Wyck Expressway, Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, Long Island Expressway, Cross-Bronx Expressway, Clearview Expressway, Cross-Westchester Expressway, Whitestone Expressway, New England Thruway and other famous, or infamous as it were, arterial highways spidering through the New York City metropolitan region.

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Arterial Highway

For those unfamiliar with the term "Expressway", commonly abbreviated as "Expwy", it is the equivalent east of the Mississippi to the Freeway of the US West, the Autobahn of Germany, Autostrade of Italy, Motorway of merry old England; in short, an arterial highway mixing cars and trucks (lorries). Not all Eastern US highways are called Expressway. Some, like the New York State and New England Thruways, or the highway end of Sunrise Highway, which is not always a highway, don't get the term. Why, I don't know. Possibly a thruway is too express for an expressway, generally with few exits many miles apart. Let's not even go into Turnpikes, like the New Jersey Turnpike, which is essentially equivalent to the New York State Thruway, or the Pennsylvania Turnpike, which appears more like a local expressway, save for the undeserved tolls. The Pennsylvanians are an odd breed, with a special penchant for naming streets "Pikes". Many other exceptions to the expressway rule exist, such as the "Quickway" and "Northway" of New York State and various Interstate highways that seem to be known as nothing save for their route numbers. Apart from this eclectic family of freeways are the Parkways, which generally do not permit commercial and oversized vehicles.
The Expressways of Brooklyn & Queens
bqe in woodside

The Expressways of The Bronx


The Expressways of Westchester County & Upstate NY at i684

NYC Region Parkways sprain brook

NYC Region Bridges Temporarily removed

NYC Region
Secondary Roads

Commuters stuck in jams since traffic monitor was installed 6/18/2001!

© 1999-2001, Jeff Saltzman. All rights reserved.