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Jaegers Lane just off Cross Bay Blvd
Photo Gallery: Woodhaven/Cross Bay Blvd


Set in a gully just off the corner of Cross Bay Blvd and South Conduit Avenue are the haunted remains of long shuttered Jaegers Lane, identification courtesy of Kevin Walsh, webmaster at This dutch colonial was the last address before Jaegers hit dead end, done in by South Conduit's insatiable need to play superhighway as it sent ramps off to meet Cross Bay.
Jaegers appeared to begin where this equally neglected pathway broke through onto Cross Bay. Jaegers goes off to the right, while this totally unnamed route snaked eastward past the backyards of all the visible structures, themselves addressed on still living Albert Road.
Just as the Dead Tracks not more than a mile to the north show, nature can gobble up our civilization with nary the blink of an eye. In the months since I shot these in October 1999, the egress point from Cross Bay has been completely fenced in. Somebody in the area must have complained after I wandered in there. Believe it or not, this IS New York City you are looking at.

Whether officially a street or not over recent decades, the city still felt a need to maintain a relatively modern streetlight here, although I have not seen it working since I discovered its existance. I'm sure the folks in the white house at Jaeger's northern terminus would prefer better neighbors than an overgrown haunted hulk, but then again, this part of Queens has a strange penchant for preferring to keep the abandoned just as they are, rather than risk the unknown invasion of strange outlanders into their midst. As I've stated before, there is something about the Woodhaven/Cross Bay corridor that just cannot be explained in present day English.

© 2001, Jeff Saltzman.