Acid Rain- When pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and sulfur combine with water in the atmosphere.
Adaptation- A change that helps an organism to fit in the environment.
Air Pollution- Contamination of the atmosphere.
Amoeba- A protozoan. Single celled organism. Moves by means of flowing cytoplasm: pseudopod.
Anaerobic- With out oxygen
Ancestor- Predecessor. Some organism that came before the existing organisms.
Anomaly- Irregular. Not Normal.
Anther- Part of the stamen that contains the pollen. Male
Asexual Reproduction- Reproduction which involves only one parent.
Atmosphere- The thin layer of gases that surround earth.
Autotroph- An organism that is capable of making its own food. Ex green plants, algae, and certain bacteria.
Bacteria- Microorganisms with out a nucleus. Many bacteria can cause disease in organisms.
Balanced Condition- State of equilibrium.
Balanced State- The process of being in equilibrium.
Behavior- Actions and reaction to internal and external stimuli.
Binary Fission- Asexual reproduction where the offspring splits from the parent. The offspring has identical genetic information only smaller in size at the beginning.
Biological Control- Control of pests through the use of organisms that are natural predators, parasites, or pathogens.
Biologist- A scientist who studies living things.
Biotic- living things.
Birth- The act of offspring coming from a mother.
Blastula- An early embryonic form produced by cleavage of a fertilized ovum and consisting of a spherical layer of cells surrounding a fluid-filled cavity.
Body Plan- entire structure of an organism.
Budding- Asexual reproduction. The cell splits in two with equal genetic information but unequal amounts of cytoplasmic material.
Building Materials- proteins
Bulbs- Short underground stem, holds nourishment for the plant.
Caloric Value- The amount of heat energy from a particular substance.
Calories- Heat energy in food.
Camouflage- The ability to be disguised.
Cancer- Cells that reproduce without control. They tend to surround good living tissue.
Carbohydrates- Major source of energy. Found in fruits, nuts, grains etc..
Carbon Dioxide- Colorless odorless gas which is a byproduct of human respiration.
Carnivores- An animal that only eats meat.
Cell- basic unit of all living things.
Cell Membrane- The permeable outer layer of a cell. Allows needed materials to pass into the cell and wastes to leave the cell.
Cell Theory - States that: