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Favorite TV shows:
Lost!, Talk Shows, Court TV, Forensic Science shows, Charmed, Xena, and Hercules, (don't watch much TV anymore)

Favorite Comedians:
Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, Eddie Murphy and Whoopie Goldberg, Tom Green

Some thing I like and do are:
Being Married. :-)
Amusement Parks, Animals, Blogging, Bowling, Camping, Crafts, Cuddling, Dancing, Dreaming, Family, Friendship, Fun, Hugs, Innocence, Karoke, Kisses, Laughter, Learning, Life, Love, Magic, Making Web Pages, Miniture Golf, Movies, Mystery, Native American Culture, Nascar, Nature, Painting, Parties, Poetry, Pow-Wow's, Quotes, Reading, Self-Improvement, Singing, Skiing, Sour Patch Kids, Spirit, Weekends, Writing and Yahoo.

This is Where My Screen Name Comes From:
Sing a song of sixpence,
Apocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds,
Baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened,
The birds began to sing,
Wasn't that a dainty dish,
To set before the king?
The king was in his counting house,
Counting out his money.
The Queen was in the parlour,
Eating bread and honey.
The maid was in the garden,
Hanging out the clothes,
When down came a blackbird.
And pecked off her nose.
She made such a commotion,
That little Jenny Wren, Flew down into the garden,
And put it back again.

There are other reasons why and how this name "came" to me.
JW were my initals.
Jennie is my name.
I like birds.
There is also a beautiful song out there by Paul McCartney that I just discovered called, "Jenny Wren". I absolutely love it! Check it out!

FAVORITE THINGS TO DO ON THE WEEKEND: relax and go out with friends
FUTURE SONS NAME?: Paul Raymond, and I still like the names Gavin and Quinn
ARE YOU A GOOD FRIEND?: yes, I'd like to think so
IF YOU COULD MEET ONE PERSON DEAD OR ALIVE, WHO WOULD IT BE?: any or all of the great Native American chiefs.
WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED?: sweats..they are warm and comfortable
IF YOU COULD HAVE A TATTOO, WHAT WOULD IT BE?: a native american symbol that means something to me
WHEN YOU MEET A PERSON OF THE OPPOSITE SEX, WHAT DO YOU NOTICE FIRST?: the eyes and face and hair, sense of humor and if he smells good.
WHICH DISNEY CHARACTER DO YOU RESEMBLE MOST? (PERSONALITY OR FEATURES) AND WHY?: Belle from Beauty and the Beast, when i had long hair we kind of looked alike and i'm a dreamer,(There must be more than this Provincial life), and we both like to read

WHICH DISNEY CHARACTER WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE AND WHY?: Pocahontas, because I'm a native at heart (and many other personal reasons)