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Thank you
by: Steve

I owe you so much, money could never repay the debt,words can not express the way I feel; You went where angles and demons alike feared to tread; Maybe you saw some of them on your way to the depths of darkness; maybe a few of them said, "Leave him be,there`s no hope for him!"
But onward you went; You carried not a shield,or a sword with you,All you had in your hand was a ray of sunshine.
You found me envopled in darkness,with it whispering in my ear "No one is going to
help you,no one wants to."
Then you opened your hand and chased the darkness away; You had succeed where others had tried and failed.
Then you showed me what laughter means,how to have
fun again, belive in myself, and so much more.
These words do not seem to be enough,and yet there are no other appropiate to describe how I feel so let just say this and we will leave it at that.
Thank You!!!!!

S.S 9/20/99