Advice On How To Be The Best Teen Mom You Can Be

On this page we will discuss, advice on how to keep yourself and your baby healthy during pregnancy,as well as discussing how to take care of yourself and the baby after she/he is born. Also on this page, every month, I will discuss one specific issue of the month that I feel may be of interest to all of you.
This month, I feel I must discuss the tragic California High School shooting. Although usually I have something about Teen motherhood and pregnancy, this issue is just too upsetting to ignore.
As mothers we all know how hard it is to raise our children. And as mothers, we also know you can never be perfect. Every child does have their own personality and will eventually do something you do not like or approve of, and something you tried to teach them not to do. It does not make you a bad parent, and it doesnt mean you have failed.
However, what disturbs me about these High School shootings, isnt so much the parents missing the possible warning signs that this disturbed child must have displayed, but that his friends didnt notice them either. And if they did, they said nothing.
Children, have to begin to learn that they are just as responsible for the world around them, as there adult counterparts are. Parents need to not only teach their own children how to be a responsible functioning person in this world, but they must also pass on to them, that they need to look out for their fellow teenagers as well.
Teenagers as we all know, since we have all been there, dont always listen to their parents, and sometimes deliberatly do the exact opposite of what their parents want. But, they do however listen to their friends. If others kids, looked out for the signs of depression, and violent behavior, and then reported it to someone, maybe a shooting like this can be prevented.
I hope that I have instilled in my children that they are the keepers of not only themselves but their friends as well. And a good friend means trying to stop a friend from hurting themselves and others. They may feel like a tattle at the time, but in the long run, everyone, including that friend they may have tattled on will thank them in the end. The life they save may be their own.
I think too often, parents dont stress to their children enough, that the world is not for adults only . That teenagers, are and should be involved in making sure the world they live in is safe. Maybe if parents taught this lesson to their kids, the kids would feel like their parents are treating them like adults, and after all isnt that what most children want anyway, for their parents to treat them like people and not children. Think about it.

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