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    Sessions are held weekly. Individual sessions are allotted up to 30 minutes, although the entire time is not always needed. For some clients, it can be difficult to engage in musical interaction for more than 15 or 20 minutes. Group sessions are approximately 35-40 minutes. (Each client is initially assessed to determine if their needs can be better met in group or in individual music therapy.) All of the sessions are and documented so that significant responses may be noted and musical ideas and new songs can be transcribed for future use. (In addition to the time taken to prepare and conduct each session, this documentation generally requires a minimum of one hour per session.)


Individual Music Therapy

    Vocal and instrumental improvisation is used to stimulate communication between client and therapist in the context of a therapeutic relationship. As therapy proceeds, individualized themes, songs and compositions are developed which form the foundation for spontaneous expression.


Group Music Therapy

    Participants are involved in musical activities selected to address specific clinical goals and appropriate to the maturity level of the group. Each musical composition or improvisation is designed to stimulate pleasurable and satisfying involvement. Personal and social integration are among the goals of group therapy.

"I do not treat children, I awaken them."
-Alfred Tomatis, M.D.