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Chris Quotes

"I sliced it!"

"He designed that???? I'm gonna hit him in his head!"

"Women are right, men are wrong, the end."

"I used to tell everybody I had a pet tree and I used to take it for walks in a wagon... and it used to pee on dogs... now I have a dog!"

"The funny thing about JC is.....well, say we're driving somewhere and we see a pretty girl on the sidewalk, the four of us will go, "Hey check out that girl".....and five minutes later JC will go, "Wow, check out that dog. What kind is it?" He's nuts about dogs."

" If my girlfriend was taller then me, I'd wear heels!"

"We don't sing, we just lip sync!"

"It's all about survival." (Making the Video)

"Two penguins were on a boat getting some sun... One penguin says to the other, "Would you please pass me the radio?" and the penguin says, " What, do I look like a tomato?"

"E.T. phone home!"

"So, basically what your saying is Lance has a sexy voice and we've got each other?!?"

"Finish this sentence: When I'm older... Chris: But I'm already old. I'll not get married probably, cause any girl won't take me."

"And there is drool!!!! And there is drool, there is drool on the paper!"

"You know what's gonna happen don't you? Next time we come to Grand Rapids they're gonna be throwing Cookie Crisps on stage. I can feel it!"

"If my girlfriend were older than me I think she'd be dead."

"If we see a baby blue shirt, and say..oh, here's a cool baby blue shirt...Justin comes over and says...That's MINE...that's MY color!"

"My wife and two kids don't appreciate that question."

"No more tears fellas!"

"How could you insult us like that. We're 'N Suck, not 'N Stink! Get it right!"

"I think I pretty much drove my mom crazy when I was born."

"Before we were like, 'Yeah this is going to be really cool,' I was like, 'You guys are weird!' This is a dude video, it's a video for guys, it's what we like. dogs. Well, I don't know about trains, but cars, chicks, and dogs we like. Trains were just thrown in there because me and Joey didn't have anything else to do. I'm on a train, great idea, I was scared to death."

"Time to make the doughnuts!"

"You're running in a forest, running in a forest, running in a forest and you hit a tree."

"Look at the tree!!"

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