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Who are you?

Who are you? Well this is a section where you can find out what you are that has to do with *N Sync! Don't understand? That's ok, just keep going.

Ok, here, use the first letter of your first name to figure out the first part of who you are!

A= Justin’s
B= JC’s
C= Lance’s
D= Joey’s
E= Chris’s
F= Joey’s
G= JC’s
H= Lance’s
I= Justin’s
J= Lance’s
K= Lance’s
L= Chris’s
M= Justin’s
N= Chris’s
O= JC’s
P= Lance’s
Q= Joey’s
R= Justin’s
S= Chris’s
T= Lance’s
U= Joey’s
V= JC’s
W= Lance’s
Y= Chris’s
Z= Justin’s

Now, use the first letter of your middle name to find out the second part!

A= hyper
B= crunkin’
C= whiny
D= crazy
E= obsessed
F= silly
G= smelly
H= cute
I= pretty
J= hot
K= stupid
L= shy
M= awesome
N= rich
O= sleepy
P= wiped
Q= scared
R= scary
S= ugly
T= creamy
U= easy
V= soft
W= hard
X= crunky
Y= bubbly
Z= popsy

And finally, use the first letter of your last name to find out the last part!

A= dancer
B= dentist
C= doctor
D= mom
E= boyfriend
F= manager
G= choreographer
H= girlfriend
I= sister
J= back up singer (not like they need 1)
K= video director
L= makeup artist
M= hair dresser
N= bus driver
O= security guard
P= marionette
Q= clerk
R= army guy
S= camera man/women
T= band
U= Barbie girl
V= dog
W= cousin
X= guardian angel
Y= godmother
Z= grandma

I am going to be making a FanWall for this. Please email me with your name and I will put your name up on the FanWall! Thanks!

