Behind Blue Eyes


By ~Silk


Part 1


"That wasn't so hard now, was it?"


Michael glared at the Head of Section One. Operations had never been one of

his favorite people, but what he was doing now strained the bounds of the

purely practical working relationship forged between the two men.


It wasn't that Michael was surprised to find himself in the White Room.

Again. Operations was a fairly easy read when it came to predicting what he

would do. He was heavily invested in power plays and mind fucks...and yes,

he *would* use anything and everything against a target.


But Michael was no target.


Or he hadn't been.


Until the anthropologist came to Section. Blair Sandburg. Short, cheerful,

animated Blair Sandburg. Not at all the type of man Section usually

concerned itself with. Targets were invariably one of two types. Either they

were dull gray, crafted and cloaked for concealment. Or they were bright,

heartstopping red, meant to be taken seriously at all times.


But Sandburg was different. His doctoral dissertation just published,

Sandburg epitomized the social scientist. Ceaselessly curious, he could not

help but ask questions. And in this case, those questions hypothesized  the

existence of Sentinels. A Sentinel was something of a behavioral throwback

even as it was something too cutting-edge to exist in the current world.


What a paradox. On the outside, Sandburg became a pariah, initially for

espousing views that sounded so outlandish, it didn't matter whether or not

they could be proven, later for denigrating his own work as that of a

charlatan. Decried as a fraud, living like an outlaw, Sandburg had no idea

that anyone would be interested in what was left of that work.


Inside that alternate reality called Section One, however, Sandburg was

treated like visiting royalty. Though he was in fact denied the right to

call himself Doctor, Sandburg could not help but be intrigued by Section's

tendency to overlook that detail. Hell, the truth was, he was positively

fascinated by the closed society that Section represented. Why, the

operative hierarchy alone would be worth a lifetime of study.


But fascination or not, Sandburg eventually realized just how dangerous

Section was. This was no trip down the Amazon. There were no friendly

natives. But there *were* cannibals. They even had their own language. And

the word "loyalty" was not in their vocabulary.


Which, in a way, was how Michael ended up in the White Room.


Part 2