Corsairs Paragon Shipyards
of Teletus

Corsairs Paragon's attention to detail and devotion to quality have
contributed toward providing some of the best built vessels on Gor.
We, at Corsairs Paragon, believe the requirements of our customer
in the design and building process is paramount. Our builders make
the effort to establish a working relationship with each customer,
particular requirments that will satisfy the needs of our ship
owners. The goal is an overall package that will best satisfy
your objectives.

Corsairs Paragon has a reputation for custom built quality vessels
evidenced by satisfied customers. We handle all types of new vessel
construction. Our focus is to reduce operating costs over the lives
of our ships while maintaining combat readiness. We are growing
our fleet service offerings and expanding our geographic reach to
support our customer's needs. Our goal is to be the high quality,
cost effective provider for military and commercial repair and fleet
services. It takes some of the best engineering and technical
professionals in the industry to support construction of the most
complicated military vessels - heavy, medium, light galley tarn

Corsairs Paragon has a modern shipbuilding yard as well as a
marine repair facility. Our geographic location on Teletus Isle
is advantageous by aiding Corsairs Paragon's ability to
build vessels in warm, sunny weather during most of the year.
Corsairs Paragon Shipyards is located on deep water Nykus Bay.
It consists of one 10 acre site with over 3,000 feet of water
frontage and one 5 acre fabrication facility.

The wall-encircled harbor of Teletus is about 4.5 pasangs
wide and about 3 pasangs deep. Entering ships will see a
high round tower that guards entrance into the harbor.

Tower guard tell entering ships to keep a bouy lane on their
port/harbor side (left). The buoy lines are color coded to
lead to certain wharf sections. The buoy lines with yellow
and white stripes, for example, leds to the general merchant
wharves. There are several merchant wharves in this area,
each holding two ships to a side.

There is a swing bridge in place at the pier as a defense
strategy to eliminate and isolate an invader's traveling
capabilities. Boat travel is not possible when this bridge
is in place.

Like the seamen of Cos, seamen of Teletus refer to the left
side of a ship by its port of destination and the right side by
its port of registration. This changes when both are the
same. Then, the left side is considered the "harbor side."
The exact expressions "port" and "starboard" do not exist
in Gorean though there are equivalent expressions.

One could see the active ship yards and the main street,
the close-stowing anchor. It had a kitchen house and
shipyard, a library and club.

Teletus Port is, of course, managed by magistrates of the
Port Consortium appointed by our city council.


The Arsenal is an essential area of the isle, one of its most
important structures. It is here where Teletus ships are
constructed, refitted and repaired. It is a large structure
containing lumber sheds, dry docks, various warehouses,
shops, foundries and much more.

The Arsenal is protected by 20 NPC Arsenal Guards whose
jurisdiction is solely within the confines of the Arsenal.

The greatest threat to the Arsenal is fire so it has been
outfitted to limit this potential danger. Many of the
buildings are built of stone and have slated or tinned roofs.
The few wooden structures have been spread out so that if
one should catch fire, the fire could not easily spread to
the other wooden structures. In addition, there are numerous
water basins throughout the area. Near each basin is a red,
wooden box containing many folded leather buckets. These
buckets are meant to carry water from the nearby basin to
aid quelling any fires. These water basins can actually be
quite large, some big enough to hold a ship. They were made
that way on purpose. In addition, some of the basins connect
to the canals to aid in the movement of heavy materials.
There are essentially two types of basins: one is unroofed,
used for underwater storage and the seasoning of Tur wood and
the other, roofed, is used for repairs that do not
need dry docking.

There are numerous groups that work within the Arsenal
including sail-makers, rope-makers, pulley-makers,
oar-makers, sawyers, carpenters, and shipwrights. In some
cities, all of these professions would likely be Castes but
that is not true in Teletus. Though some may be Castes, the
others are more like unions. The workers must pay union
dues that go into a central fund. This fund will be used
to aid and support injured men and their families, to make
loans, and to provide pensions on retirement. These unions
even negotiate on behalf of their members for wages and
other benefits. The wages of these workers varies widely,
dependent much upon the skill levels required for the jobs.
Sail-makers, one of the lowest in the hierarchy, only earn
about four coppers a day while an experienced shipwright,
likely a member of the Builders' Caste, mayearn as much as a
gold tarn a day.

Tur-wood, Ka-la-na, Tem-wood and needle trees provide the
much-needed timber that is especially constructive to our
ship construction. Builders must often work at aiding
certain trees to grow and develop into certain shapes
needed for their ships.
