Commander Lucian Balthasar

Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war...

He stands 59 horts -- 48 stones. They say he has boyish good looks. He keeps his
brown hair cropped short, his face clean shaven. His attire is neat and casual,
but he has seen 32 turnings, was stabilized several seasons past. His gentle
blue eyes are hard to read.

He hails from Ragnar's Hamlet,the son of a stonemason and a dress maker.

It is a loving family he recalls. He grew up with brothers and cousins he
could successfully lure to another adventure in exploration. He built temwood
houses in the trees, where he told the others legends he'd heard of Blackbeard
and even pirates of Gor. Lucian's passion for the craft of building took him all
the way to Key West, Eastern Shipyards on the Florida coast. He studied there
for several years, then traveled the world over before returning to Gor. He'd
seen much of Gor, too, before settling on Teletus Isle, where he chose to remain
for the quiet and peace of a paradise. He became an RoSoG Registered
Shipwright and licensed builder - the En'Builder/En'Shipwright of Teletus Isle.

He runs Corsairs Paragon Shipyards at Teletus Harbor and owns ten ships
of his own.

"'Tal', said I. Lifting my right hand to them, palm facing to the left. They
did not respond. The captain stepped forth.They didn't seem then to me to be
pleasant fellows. 'Who are you?' asked the captain. 'One who has greeted you.
' I said.'" Beasts of Gor pg 112

Corsairs Paragon Shipyards
