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Newsies Stuff
*main page
*we've got a problem.
*Davey Gets Even
*who's who
*original script
*lookie! it's gabe!


"Spin" has been re-vamped. "Fortitude" is in the process of re-vampiation (yep, you read it). For the record, the changes to "Spin" were rather hurried. "Fortitude" will therefore be a bit, well... better than it's prequel. Whatever. I have decided that once it's finished, I will leave the old Fortitude up also, probably just in my "hosted" section... which might matter, if anyone still stops by to peek at my stories, or any of the stories. Who knows. If you're there, thanks for visiting, and thank you for reading! Oh, and I took down the link to my "new" story, because while going through and tweaking "Fortitude," some changes have taken place, and the story is, to say the least, swelling. So. Until I'm finished with that, I can hardly continue with the new one. That is all!

I lied! That is NOT all... Just "discovered" Relic's site, which is the savior of every deleted fanfic I've been looking for, except one. Literally, one. I'm so freakin' excited. Anyway... It's called "The Newsie Keepsake," and I've added it to the top of my links page--I figure every now and then, someone may come here looking for the old stories. Relic's got 'em. Woohoo!!!


wanna send me a story? email it to me!

if you have your own website, i'm sorry, but as i'm sick of having to go through the stories i host to see if the pages still exist, i will be putting your story on MY account. however, i will keep the colors and such the way you want them. mmkay?

* Brooky

p.s. If any of the links/pictures don't work, please let me know.

of you crazy kids have been here since February, 2001